Troll Kingdom

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Is trolling immoral?

Bergerac said:
don't worry Sarek, where I come from we call you people stadswachten, they do very good work on the streets and in the malls.

Kudo's to you buddy!
(whatever kudo's are anyway)

Still not funny. But keep trying and I'll let you know if you get any better.
Sarek said:
Still not funny. But keep trying and I'll let you know if you get any better.
Well, dammit, I gave you a real compliment there and you just don't appreciate it, I am hurt.
Bergerac, you're talking to a guy that has all night by himself to read all the jokes books on the rack at Wal_mart. He obviously has a very developed sense of humor. That happens when you spend hours alone with nothing to do but read the kiddie joke book section and masturbate to Cosmo and Tiger Beat.

Just imagine Barney Fife with his dick in his hand and you'll get the right picture of Sarek. And we all know Barney Fife was a comic genius.
H4ven'+ tIm3 +0 h3@r 4bOUT +H4T. MUch t0 8u5Y S@ViNG tHe wORLd pHR0M nucL34r 4RM5 prol1F3R@TiON @ND +h3 L1K3. Th3N H4V3 +0 5OlVe +HE pR0BlEM opH WOrLD huNGeR 4nD +h3 rE8uiLd1N9 0pH N3W 0Rle@ns.
beergoggles said:
Bergerac, you're talking to a guy that has all night by himself to read all the jokes books on the rack at Wal_mart. He obviously has a very developed sense of humor. That happens when you spend hours alone with nothing to do but read the kiddie joke book section and masturbate to Cosmo and Tiger Beat.

Just imagine Barney Fife with his dick in his hand and you'll get the right picture of Sarek. And we all know Barney Fife was a comic genius.

Working at Wal Mart would be cool. I could take my M4 assault rifle and go immigrant hunting.
Sarek said:
Working at Wal Mart would be cool. I could take my M4 assault rifle and go immigrant hunting.

Another HATER comment.

And what a fuck you are.

extra points for you on the clown's list.

Even your pretend job is at stake saying such things on the internet, not to mention all the stuff you have been broadcasting around here in the past. you selfdestructing Fucker.
ScrotusRex said:
Beergoggles, he doesn't reply because he has nothing to say. Right, MX?

for me.
Now boys and girls, don't be picking on poor Sarek. You'd have a pissy attitude too if you spent your whole law enforcement career driving a fucking 3-wheeler Cushman giving out parking tickets in front of the PX.