Hmm, the thread title says "it's a good night to spam" - would I violate the rules by posting here now, I wonder? (local time is 7:47 am)
But then, when has TK - or spamming - ever stuck to any rules? :smfgrin:
The most popular topic for small talk being the weather, here the local conditions:
6 inches of nice powdery snow last night and still snowing. The snow now sums up to about 2 feet only as lots melted away when it was so warm last week.
Current temperature -10°C (approx. 18°F) which is comperatively warm, thanks to a cloudy night. After sun rise (it's dawn right now, sun will rise around 8:15) it'll get a little warmer with noon temps around -8°C / approx. 22°F.
I do hope it'll cease to snow around noon (ah well, one can dream, can't one?
) as I didn't bring any lunch and would like to get something from the Chinese restaurant (crispyly roast duck perhaps, or extra-hot Setchuan beef). And I must fetch a parcel from the post office tonight and do some shopping (need icing sugar for my homemade ginger bread). And I didn't even put up any Christmas decoration yet.
*sigh* so much to do and so little time..