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Laker_Girl's 'Booming' economy

Laker_Girl said:
Get a better education or work more than one job. No one is above it. Learn how to save, change your life and don't expect handouts. there are ways to keep from becoming destitute and anyone finding themselves, homeless and broke isn't working hard enough to prevent it.

But I'm sure you're of the mindset that everyone deserves a hand out. Hard work is hard and no one should have to do it if they don't want to.

Where there's a will there's a way.


Little girl, things are never as simple or as easy as the pretty little picture you've painted in your mind. People have real problems, and sometimes those problems are a bit much to over come. Not everyone is a free loader. But with no education and no real marketable job skills, I'm sure there will come a time when you'll find that out.

Unless mommy and daddy kick the bucket and leave you a nice little nest egg. Then your snobby attitude will finally match your perceived social status. ;)

And on a side note, thank you for your real views on those of us that have spent time in service to this great country. It's nice to know that our efforts are labeled by your type as "sucking off the government teat". But then again, Republicans are very supportive of the military. As long as it's not their ass being shot at.
Laker_Girl said:
Such a pathetic response to such a thorough smack down.
If you say so.

Foreign oil is the dems problem. We have plenty of oil right here but God forbid we kill off some species no one has ever seen or ever will see.
Foreign oil is everyone's problem.

Wikipedia said:
The U.S. consumes about 20 million barrels daily. If the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge oil reserves were used to supply 5% of the U.S. daily consumption--most is imported from Canada (19%) Mexico (15%), Saudi-Arabia (11.5%), Nigeria (10.5%) and Venezuela (10.5%)[31]), the reserves, using the low figure of 4.3 billion barrels, would last approximately 4300 days, or almost 12 years. Using the high estimate, the reserves would last approximately 11800 days, or 32 years.
This is a lot to gamble on.
It's called a wasteland for a reason, much like the space inside your skull.

We've done a hell of a job policing the whole world so far but I agree, more allies would be nice.
Sure, but maybe they don't see the same urgency as the Neo-conservatives and Isr...OMGLOOKTHETERRORISTBOMB!!!!!!

Uh, it's businesses like my parents' business that help keep the economy going, oh "wordly" one.
Really? That's fascinating, considering the topic is Bush's horrendous mishandling of the economy.

This little pyramid scheme we call Capitalism doesn't work without a stable base.

You do realize how incredibly, incredibly unintelligent and uninfomred that mild little rant was. Small business built this country and continues to carry it square on it's back.
Yes, the small businesses which cater to working class, not rich Republican fuckwits.

Regardless of how insignificant you believe the product we've designed, manufacture and sell is, it makes money and we pay taxes.
I don't even know what this McGuffin is!

And regardless of what you think, taxes and money do not feed people. You cannot import shoes from Indonesia and mousepads from China and expect the recipient nation to be self-sufficient.

Sounds like a local problem to me. The country is not in a recession and the stock market hit an all time high yesterday.
Interesting. In another thread you seemed to mock (me?) by asking if I had read something about unemployment figures or stock market stuff and thus assumed that there was a recession in effect. Don't you think it's a bit foolish to cite the same source you tried to poison not too long ago, and cite the financial success of your parents as proof that it's inaccurate?

You might want to address your county and/or state government with those problems.
My business suffered quite a bit thanks to the oil price jump. Whose genius was responsible for that?

And here's a hint, if you want the "finer things in life" that requires an advanced education. I'm not exactly sure when blue collar America decided they should live like white collar America and not have to work for it.
I meant things like, how did Sarek so succinctly put it... choosing between food and the electric bill. Even relaxation could be considered a finer thing at this point.

Your links were fine, I read and comprehended each one perfectly. I don't know if when you click on them they become a forecast for the total and complete distruction of the U.S. economy buuuuut that wasn't what I read.
Damn. Really? I was hoping to prove that the USA would be completely, utterly destroyed by Bush's time in office. Fuck, now I've been disproven for making such a grandiose claim.

My parents have owned and operated their business for 35 years more years than I've been alive. Some years were slimmer than others but neither they nor I have ever had to go without...and here is why...
My father is a smart enough man to know running a restaurant is an enormous gamble,

So you were lucky.

My father is a smart enough man to know running a restaurant is an enormous gamble, there are millions of restaurants, there's not a snowball's chance in hell that you're going to be any better than the rest. So my father didn't open a restaurant what he did was design a totally unique, functional, and attractive LUXURY ITEM and as long as it caught on, he knew he'd have nothing to worry about. So to answer your question, no, it is highly unlikely that the "working class" buys the items we sell, it would be about as common as the "working class" buying a Mercedes Benz.
Translation: We cater to rich people, and that's how we make money. I shall totally ignore the contradiction I have put forward by linking working, or lack thereof, to the condition working class and lower middle America finds itself in. Republicans have been good for those well off. However, I still deny that the working class has been screwed over by Bush.

Capitalism, it's a good thing.

All things being said, you are a prissy little princess bitch. Your attitude is horrendous and demonstrates nothing but ignorance (Purposeful?) towards the people who sustain this nation. If you don't like your nose being rubbed in reality by blue-collar workers, don't act so arrogant.