Troll Kingdom

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Cranky Bastard said:
All of you are falling for this poser's troll?

Thug is as white as Wonder Bread and a shitty dual of one of TV's mods. It was proven.
Of course he's a shit-scented dual; the game is, how far can we make him play into the role before he can no longer tolerate the act?

(Yes -- I am a master of Dual-Ki-Do. :lol:)
Cranky Bastard said:
All of you are falling for this poser's troll?

Thug is as white as Wonder Bread and a shitty dual of one of TV's mods. It was proven.

I don't need anything proven. It's just fun to read his responses where too much intelligence and too many polysyllabic words are accidentally inserted in the middle of his carelessly crafted ebonics. I enjoy watching his façade crumble.

Shitty Dual said:
From one Shitty Dual to another:

Try not to overreact. It's telling.

Holla 200

'nuff said...
Thug comes in attempting to sound nigger. He's so white he's almost albino. His schtick doesn't work and I proved long ago he's a shitty dual.

Check your PMs from me. ;)
Cranky Bastard said:
Thug comes in attempting to sound nigger. He's so white he's almost albino. His schtick doesn't work and I proved long ago he's a shitty dual.

Check your PMs from me. ;)

What's the matter Cranky? Afraid Thug will prove you be a liar and a phony? Well instead of arguin w/your bitch ass back and forth he post the posts you made on the global Mod board at TV and let the readers decide who the liar and who the truth teller.

Here's Cranky's evidence in a topic started Sep. 20, 2006:

Through some IP and internet searches, I have nailed down not only who Thug is, but the other dual used by Thug's controller.

I knew Thug's controller had to have access to these high boards. I will not spill the beans. I salute the troll behind Thug. I suspect as well that controlling person also was known as Cleo.

To that person reading this, you are a fantastic troll

And he follows up to xplain his "evidence" in this next post:

Certain? No. But the tactics match Cleo and certain other things lead me to believe they are also Cleo.

Without naming,

Controller and dual A post out of the same city.
Dual B uses a proxy and also a certain place found in the city of Dual A and Controller.
Dual A and B avoid each other manically.
Dual A and B have both recently slipped in their delivery to include the identical newly acquired habit.
Dual A and B alternate logins.

Cranky remembers a post of Dual B that was a major slip - posting a thread of political content that mimicked Cleo exactly.

Cranky remembers Cleo suggesting that Dual B be given some consideration...

Cleo was originally someone else and as such is a major literary character of Controller's and Dual A's city.

Dual A and B both use the direct insult-to-intelligence posting that generates multi-page threads.

Dual A and B both use the same structure to their posts.

Cranky attempted to bait a Thug w/HIS DUAL on a thread started Sept. 11, 2006:

One of you assholes is Thug.

Whoever you are, you're good. But not perfect.

Thug ignored Gordon, even though Gordon slammed all of Thug's buttons. Thug ignored as if he read the admin post I made about Gordon being a dual.

Thug also ignored a compliment in favor of attacking a suspicion. The collossal ego that appears to be Thug couldn't be bothered with a compliment, but instead tackled a minor stab at his identity - as if jealous not of his own ego, but of his well-constructed (false) identity.

Thug also returned after all the dust settled on the floated idea that he was also Cleo - just as I suspected he would.

One of us who has access to the admin board and the Gordon post is Thug. Whoever you are, you're the best troll we've got. But I'm on to you....

Boy Cranky you sure got a Thug w/all that "evidence". Great work. What a loser. To think you got run outta TV for this shit. Thug PWNED your ass from jump and PWNS your ass now. If he didnt, why would you have to delete his post from earlier today on this thread detailin your "evidence" and imcompetence.

You even admitted at TV that you were wrong and that all your "research" was shot to hell when Tiger prove your IP "evidence" was bullshit.
Just admit Thug is your master and get it over w/. You cant fade this nigga.

Holla 5000

I'm sorry... I laughed so hard I almost pissed myself - had to go leak some wine.

Hook line and sinker, bitch.


THREAD: successfully derailed with one bitch-post.

THUG: successfully punked and PWNED. SUCKIT!

CRANKY: Laughing so hard at Thug's pwnage that he got a headache.
I laughed all the way to the bathroom at the back of the house, laughed all through the piss (that's hard to do), and laughed all the way back.

Thug Angel said:
Now that the southern state of Virignia done finally done the right thing by apologizin to the black man for slavery Thug done want take it to a personal level and promote heelin. you bitches need apologize to Thug for this too. havin a govt body do it is too damn easy. Thug want you bitches humble yourselfs and recongize and respect what VA has done and what all of America need to finally do. if a racist southern state like VA can do it you niggas can too. show some decency. w/o us workin free for 400 y ears America wouldnt be what it be. You paid reparations to the Japs for WWII but not a dime to the black man. Dont get on that welfare shit. welfare and jack compared to what you fucks authorized the US govt to give them fuckin slants. Cleanse your filthy gutter guilt ridden souls. APOLOGIZE TO THE BLACK MAN

Holla 5000

if a racist southern state like VA can do it you niggas can too

How can you label VA a racist state when, in the very same post, you claim they apologised to the useless niggers of slavery past? Rather stupid fuck aren't you? That would be your Mexicant brain attempting to make sense out of something it has no business bothering with.

The niggers worked for 400 years? Someone failed history I see. The USA would be what it is today with or without the niggers. You know it and I know it. You must have a nigger boyfriend to be bitching like that since you are clearly not nigger like you wish you were.

not a dime to the black man.

Yet another contradictory statement. No one collects welfare more than the niggers. Their 'other' form of welfare would take the form of armed robbery. Niggers commit more crimes than all other races COMBINED. Fuck the niggers. I should also mention the niggers lived better lives as slaves than they did back home in niggerland (see AFRICA). They ate much better. They were better-educated. Quite bitching about the past. Your heroes were exactly what they were put on this earth for, to service we whites.

Why would the US government need to apologise to the niggers anyway? THEY were not responsible for slavery. There is not a single living American soul who had anything to do with slavery. Blame those who have headstones above them. You CANNOT lay blame at the feet of those who had nothing to do with what happened, therefore you CANNOT expect them to apologise. If your father, the man you claim is a nigger, robbed a convenience store and killed the store proprietor whilst doing so, would you expect to apologise to the proprietor's family for your father's actions? Why would you? You had nothing to do with it. Dumb 'Spic motherfucker.
Thug Angel said:
Now that the southern state of Virignia done finally done the right thing by apologizin to the black man for slavery Thug done want take it to a personal level and promote heelin. you bitches need apologize to Thug for this too. havin a govt body do it is too damn easy. Thug want you bitches humble yourselfs and recongize and respect what VA has done and what all of America need to finally do. if a racist southern state like VA can do it you niggas can too. show some decency. w/o us workin free for 400 y ears America wouldnt be what it be. You paid reparations to the Japs for WWII but not a dime to the black man. Dont get on that welfare shit. welfare and jack compared to what you fucks authorized the US govt to give them fuckin slants. Cleanse your filthy gutter guilt ridden souls. APOLOGIZE TO THE BLACK MAN

Holla 5000

I take it you will be contacting all Muslims and your fellow niggers for their part in the taking of nigger slaves yes? Look below:

Mauritania—A Legacy of Slave Trading

The enslavement of black Africans has existed in Mauritania for many centuries. It is a country that joins the descendants of Arabs and Berbers from the North, known as beydanes [white men], and the black ethnic communities living in the South. Blacks, mostly sedentary farmers, consisting of the Tukulor, the Fulani, and the Wolof tribes were brought north after being captured by raiding Arab/Berber tribes. This activity predates and postdates the Atlantic slave trade. Simply put, the slave trade that brought black Africans to these shores never stopped in Mauritania. "More than 100,000 descendants of Africans conquered by Arabs during the 12th century are still thought to be living as old-fashioned chattel slaves in Mauritania" says Newsweek after co nducting a yearlong, four-continent investigation of slavery.

Differing only slightly with this estimate, the U.S. State Department estimates that 90,000 blacks still live as the property of Berbers, "and that's a conservative estimate," said Dr. Jacobs, who puts the actual figure closer to 300,000 when interviewe d by The News Tribune. In addition, Newsweek states that "Aside from the shantytowns and a strip of land along the Senegal River, virtually all blacks are slaves, and they are more than half the population."

"Black Africans in Mauritania were converted to Islam more than 100 years ago," says Mohamed Athie, Executive Director of the American Anti-Slavery Group, [and]. . ."the Koran forbids the enslavement of fellow Muslims, but in this country race outranks r eligious doctrine. . . Though they are Muslims, these people are chattel: used for labor, sex and breeding."

Africa Watch reported that "Religion has been used by masters as an important instrument to perpetuate slavery. Relying on the fact that Islam recognizes the practice of slavery, they have misinterpreted it to justify current practices. In truth, Islam only permits treating as slaves, non-Islamic captives caught after holy wars, on condition that they are released as soon as they convert to Islam. People living as slaves in Mauritania long before the first abolition in 1905 were all Moslems, but this d id not lead to their emancipation. We received numerous complaints about the extent of which qadis (judges in Islamic courts) continue to exercise their judicial functions to protect the institution of slavery, rather than to ensure its eradication."
Thug Angel said:

Yeah thats why you were run outta TV for tryin to "prove" this.

Thug saw all your posts on the global board. You were OBSESSED w/ "provin" this theory of yours. You never proved shit. it never worekd. Thug doesnt have the same IP as ANYONE. yet it drove you so crazy it got you banned from TV for the shit you did. You PWNED yourself, bitch. Thug PWNED your sorry ass and that crystal meth lookin jezebel you call wifey.

Oh and Thug aint white bitch. There some peeps at TV who met Thug and know this for sho. Keep tossin your darts Crankster, maybe somethin will stick one day. Not too many spanish speakers who know black history front to back w/ a big ass dick can be a cave boy.

Holla 5000

Thug doesnt have the same IP as ANYONE.

Big deal. I posted under 3 names AT THE SAME TIME within this site, all with different IPs. Damn you Mexicants are stupid. Why do you think MESSENGER defended PALADIN from those who believed I was both PALADIN and SAINTLUCIFER? Even he fell for the oldest trick in the book. I was posting as both PALADIN and SAINTLUCIFER AT THE SAME TIME! IP addresses are therefore irrelevant. Too easily hidden.
bad dog said:
Luci ran over here after getting thrashed at

...and he bit Thug's original hook pretty damn hard. Seeing that Thug has already swallowed mine so deep I hooked his asshole, that makes Luci a total, flaming retard.

Two for the price of one bitch-slap post. :bigass: