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Mandi's Desktop!

Which is why I said I GUESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And no I don't think about him.......I think about someone else :who?me?:
RommieSG said:
Adam Baldwin is not related to the Alec, Steven or Billy. He just has the same last name.

He's been in Serenity, Firefly, the episode of Stargate SG-1 called 'Heroes' and he was in Independence Day.......not to mention countless others.

I thought I reconized him from somewhere....Independence Day and Serenity.
I can't tell, if he read this he would freak........ok no he wouldn't....cause A) he doesn't read my posts, and B) it's hard to freak him out.
Actually, my picture wouldn't make ANY woman gush with orgasm. So don't feel unpriveleged. ;)