That is you??? OMMFG. I OVERESTIMATED you. Absolutely without a doubt you are FAR uglier than I had first suspected. This is what QUESTION deems to be lovely? Poor fucker has never gotten laid that's why. You are PROUD to look like that LAKERBITCH? I notice the girth also but there is no way in a million years you would ever hope to even think of standing a chance with me. I had such high hopes that I would be wrong, but in a manner favourable to you. What a fucking disappointment although I am far from surprised. Actually there is a little bit of surprise when I consider how you and the others kept bragging about your looks. I swear, they are enough to spook me right out of this site. You were full of shit, the others were full of shit yet I knew it. Damn you for making me hope for miracles. When will I EVER see a female on the internet who is passable-looking? Shit. Fucking annoying. After seeing your ugly mug LAKERGIRL, please see fit never to post to me or to respond to any of my posts. Please. I beg of you. I will only keep being reminded of UGLY and I abhor that.