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Mexican incursion confirmed

Deary me TQ, you should start a revolution from your bedroom.

Blaming the poor of the nation on Mexicans and Jews? Good god man, you've fuckin lost your marbles. Are their secret cameras on your wall?

I didn't tackle the Mexican presidents quotes mainly due to cut and paste problems - but they could be about any fuckin thing. Definitely not your histrionic fit about invading spics.

This thread makes me want to fix my caps lock button and eat a twinkie.
^^(to the Skan moron) And all of that boils down to what, exactly? The indications have all been laid out for ya, bud. Not my problem if you don't want to acknowledge them.
Enkephalen said:
Okay, but I say we dump the bodies back over the wall.

Nah, I wouldn't say dump, so much as... launch. Catapult, cannon, rocket-launcher, take your pick. Direction, elevation, ready aim fire! :bigass:
OK, I get that you have an immigration problem, hey don't we all.

But I think your brains have turned to sewage if you connect:

1. A loony fringe of self appointed nutcases
2. 11 to 20 million immigrants
3. 24 cases of supposed border crossings by Mexican military - notably reported by US border gaurds - do ya think they might just be exxagerating?

When did everyone hear stop questioning the diet of "facts" put before them by the media? Have you all taken brain mush medication?

Why don't you all just say you hate spics? rather than make some grand statements about immigration and border intrusions? It would save a lot of time.
Guess what, Skan? I think that in general, people who aren't white aren't as physically attractive as people who aren't. I think the squat pygmies, the oafish-looking Indonesians, etc. are pretty much at the bottom of the Miss Universe contest. And why would I want ugly faces walking around my cities and villages?

That doesn't sound very nice, does it? Guess what: It's my country. And I barely have a dog in this particular fight, but the Americans can stick their middle finger at them, deny them entry, and not have to explain why they can't settle there, because it's their country.

For instance, the only reason most European nations even have immigrants flooding into it is because companies want cheap labour, and they grease the officials to make whimsical speeches about immigration behind fundamental to [you country]'s existence.

Now let's take the discussion to your backyard, good sir yes mm ok? Where do you reside?
OK, I get that you have an immigration problem, hey don't we all.

But I think your brains have turned to sewage if you connect:

1. A loony fringe of self appointed nutcases
2. 11 to 20 million immigrants
3. 24 cases of supposed border crossings by Mexican military - notably reported by US border gaurds - do ya think they might just be exxagerating?

Why would a rational person not connect those things, especially because they all have the commonality of being illegal activity committed by Mexican nationals within U.S. borders? And considering the fact that our federal government has only recently made any visible noise at all about tightening border security, and further considering that the mainstream media has almost universally branded groups like the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps as dangerous racist vigilantes (despite the fact that they have yet to commit even the slightest of crimes, much less violence) where are you getting the idea that the media is exaggerating in such groups' favor?

And by the way -- it's not 24 armed incursions -- in a ten year period between 1996 and 2006, there were 231 such incursions reported. That would be like your next door neighbor "accidentally" walking into your house with a gun once a month for a year.

Why don't you all just say you hate spics? rather than make some grand statements about immigration and border intrusions? It would save a lot of time.

Because although I can't speak for Messenger or CU, I personally don't hate "spics" -- I do, however, frown on criminal activity being excused or defended on the basis or the criminals' race, which seems to be what you're doing.
The Question said:
Because although I can't speak for Messenger or CU, I personally don't hate "spics" -- I do, however, frown on criminal activity being excused or defended on the basis or the criminals' race, which seems to be what you're doing.
I'll speak for myself: Immigrants are humans. It is good to help humans when they are in need. But not every human is a member of your family.

Hate is buzzword.
Conflict drives narrative.

This has been informative.

Moving on, I am not excusing illegal activity based on race. I would like to see an example of where I do this - I believe this is a clumsy attempt to shift the emphasis towards me.

My whole point is that you are both guilty of sensationalism. I don't reside in your country so, i admit, I will struggle to comment on your media. I do believe though, having read up on this matter recently, that the situation is being exagerated by a bigoted viewpoint.

The immigration problem is bad, but not at "invasion" levels - come on you must see that as sensationalism. Even TQ indulged in it by linking the supposed hispanic population with an invading force.

I'm also amused by the fact that one video makes everything the truth - this is how messages are believed now:

"yeh yeh, fine, but is there a video to go with it?"

On another matter, why is this a sticky?
Conflict drives narrative.

This has been informative.

Moving on, I am not excusing illegal activity based on race. I would like to see an example of where I do this - I believe this is a clumsy attempt to shift the emphasis towards me.

Your invocation of racism on the part of those who see 10-20 million illegal occupants in our country certainly comes across as an attempt to use their race to counter the original complaint.

My whole point is that you are both guilty of sensationalism. I don't reside in your country so, i admit, I will struggle to comment on your media. I do believe though, having read up on this matter recently, that the situation is being exagerated by a bigoted viewpoint.

The way I see it, it's been a bigoted viewpoint that's kept the matter from being taken as seriously as it ought to have been.

The immigration problem is bad, but not at "invasion" levels - come on you must see that as sensationalism.

I'd call 10-20 million illegal foreign occupants an invasion, especially when their occupation isn't dissuaded in any serious way by our government, and isn't dissuaded in any way by their own.

Even TQ indulged in it by linking the supposed hispanic population with an invading force.

Since they're coming at the rate of millions a year with no sign of slowing, with their government's blessing, I think that's entirely appropriate.

I'm also amused by the fact that one video makes everything the truth.

It's not just one video, and I think you'd know that if you'd read the other sources cited and run even a single search.

On another matter, why is this a sticky?

Obviously because someone with the points available to make it one thought it was an important enough subject to spend them. :)
I'm disappointed -- I mixed a metaphor right in front of PREDICTA_SK4N, and he failed to be predictable by seizing on it. :(
Sorry to be repetitive, but I think this bears repeating, because the importance of this cannot be overemphasized:

In a ten year period between 1996 and 2006, there were 231 such incursions reported. That would be like your next door neighbor "accidentally" walking into your house with a gun once a month for a year.
TQ, I've enjoyed this debate but I fear our positions are entrenched. I feel like I've given more in the ground and you have dug in.

I have learned from this discourse, I'm not sure you have. Anyway - back to the debate:

Last month, the Inland Valley (Calif.) Daily Bulletin reported that there had been 216 incursions into the United States by Mexican soldiers since 1996

Shall we interrogate that source?

No.3 in it's stories today - "bathtub cheese"
cheese clicky

How about it's circulation?

Ontario, CA -- location is directly east of Los Angeles in San Bernadino county. The Daily Bulletin serves the Southern California communities of Chino, Chino Hills, Claremont, Diamond Bar, Fontana, La Verne, Montclair, Ontario, Pomona, Rancho Cucamonga, Rialto, San Dimas and Upland. The Daily Bulletin circulates 67,817 newspapers daily. On Sundays, the paper has a circulation of 74,299.

At best TQ - it's piss poor - do better or you will solidify my opinion of you as a sacred cow of this forum - i.e. bloated and overblown with your own self importance.
The immigration problem is bad, but not at "invasion" levels - come on you must see that as sensationalism. Even TQ indulged in it by linking the supposed hispanic population with an invading force.

Dear fellow citizen:

This guide attempts to provide some practical advice that may be of use, in the event that you have made the difficult decision to search for new work opportunities outside your country. [since we can't manage ourselves]

The safe way to enter another country is to first obtain your passport, which is issued by the offices of the Secretary of Foreign Relations, and the visa, which you request at the Embassy or Consulate of the country to which you wish to travel.[semantics and legalese, you can ignore this]

However, in practice we see many cases of Mexicans that try to cross the northern border without the necessary documents, through areas of high risk which involve facing grave dangers, particularly in desert areas or rivers with strong and not always visible water currents.[and those damn Americans]


[unwitting pawns]

By reading this guide, you will be able to inform yourself also about some basic questions about the legal consequences of your stay in the United States of America without the appropriate migratory documents, as well as about the rights you have in that country, once you find yourself in it, regardless of your migratory situation.[at least you'll be on vacation in an INS jail more hospitable than the toilet we call our country, are so proud of, and so eager to escape]

Keep in mind that there are always mechanisms so that you can legally enter the United States of America.[lol]

In any case, if you have problems or are confronted by difficulties, remember that Mexico has 45 Consulates in said country, their contact information you can find in this publication.[or just call a Jew]

Identify your Consulate and trust it/depend on it.[our country's revenue generating illegals depend on it!]


[in this country it's not dilapidated]

Crossing a river may be very dangerous, especially if you cross alone and at night.[a necessary evil for living large]

Heavy clothing increases its weight when it gets wet and this may make swimming or floating difficult.[e=mc^2]


[it's ok - we multiply in water]

If you cross the desert, be sure to walk in hours when the heat is not so intense.[since too many lifesaving supplies would slow you down in your quest to undermine the United States and its peoples]

The highways and towns are very far away, so it will take various days to find roads and you will not be able to carry food and water that long; you may even get lost.[its better to have less border patrol agents who could save your life and deport you than to gamble everything]

Water with salt helps retain body liquids. Even though it will make you more thirsty, if you drink water with salt, the risk of dehydration is much less.[but there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow]


[they drew me very pretty!]
The symptoms of dehydration are:
  • Little or no sweat.
  • Dryness in the eyes and mouth.
  • Headache.
  • Tiredness or excessive exhaustion
  • Difficulty in walking or reasoning.
  • Hallucinations and mirages.

If you get lost, follow power cables, train tracks or secondary roads.


[march on, brave pioneers]

BE CAREFUL WITH "POLLEROS", "COYOTES" AND "PATEROS" [like always, our brethren our more dangerous than those limp wristed whites]

They can trick you into believing that they can get you across the border in a few hours through mountains or deserts. This isn't true![like the myth of a border to the south]

They can risk your life leading you through rivers, dangerous canals, desert areas, train tracks, or freeways. This has caused the death of hundreds of people.[omg!! hundreds!!]


[it's whitey's fault!!!!!]
If you decided to resort to "polleros", "coyotes", or "pateros" to cross the border, consider the following precautions:

Don't let them out of your sight, remember that he is the only one that knows the land and, for that reason, is the one that can get you out of that place.

Distrust everyone who offers to get you to the "other side" and asks you to drive a vehicle or to carry a package for him. Usually the packages contain drugs or other prohibited substances. For this reason, many people have ended up in jail.

If you transport other people you may be confused with a "pollero" or "coyote", and they can accuse you of the crime of traficking of people or automobile theft.

Do not give your children to strangers that offer to get them into the United States. [we're really expecting you to follow these instructions . . . honest]


[you see? proof that it's whitey's fault]


If you try to enter with false documents or documents that belong to another person, keep the following in mind: [mmkay?]

The use of false documents or documents belonging to someone else is a federal crime in the United States, for which they can process you legally and you may end up in jail; also if you declare a false name or say you are a citizen of the United States, when you aren't. [like other countries around the world]

Do not lie to American customs officials or at checkpoints. [fibbing is sinful]


[look how innocent we are! we won't burn any flags, make up a disproportionate amount of criminals, or try to undermine the United States - HONEST!]

IF YOU ARE DETAINED [you'll enjoy free meals]

Do not resist arrest. [mmkay?]

Do not threaten or insult the officer. [do this only when in numbers and with Jews and cameras around to catch the cowardly American try to defend himself]

Don't throw rocks or objects at the officer nor at the patrol cars, as this is considered a provacation of the officers.[no shit??]


[hunter/killers, just like in Terminator]

If the officers feel threatened, it is probable that they will use force to detain you. [and get fired for it later]

Raise your hands slowly so that they can see you are not armed. [wait until you have a foothold, then you can proclaim THAT THIS IS YOUR CONTINENT]

Don't carry any object in your hands which could be considered a weapon, such as: flashlight, screwdriver, jackknives, knives, or rocks. [but the biological weapon in your mate's womb is permitted]


[you are leaving the jungle and entering civilization]

Don't run or try to escape.

Don't hide in dangerous places.

Don't cross highspeed freeways. [freddy aka whitey is after you!!]

It is better that they detain you for a few hours and that you are returned to Mexico, than that you get lost in the desert.[maybe saying a secure border was racism wasn't such a good idea after all]


[ay caramba!!! ayi-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi-a!!]

IF YOU ARE DETAINED, YOU HAVE RIGHTS! [we stole them from Americans and have lots to go around]

Give your real name.

If you are a minor and you came with an adult, tell the authorities so that you are not separated.


[he's trying to stop us from sneaking into his country! WTF?]

Your rights are:

Know where you are. [occupied territory, reinforcements are en route]

Ask that they allow you to communicate with a representative of the closest Mexican Consultate, so that you may receive help. [to stay in the country]

Don't make statements or sign documents, especially if they are in English, without the assistance of a defense lawyer or representative of the Mexican Consulate. [we know legal loopholes in addition to the ones in the fence]


[remember that rampart reproduction is your obligation, brother]

Receive medical attention if you are hurt or in poor health. [healthcare is also free in California now that we have a foothold there]

Be respected and receive dignified treatment, regardless of your migratory status. [words escape me - they are timid at first, but once they gather in numbers they start burning flags of the people who gave them the respect and dignified treatment]

Be transported in a safe manner. [it's downhill from here, we can make it anywhere!]

Have water and food whenever you need it.

You are not required to state your migratory status when you are detained.


[ET phone home!]

Not to be hit or insulted. [their civilization is different and their police forces are not rife with corruption]

Not to be left without communication.

If they take your things, ask for a receipt so that you may recover them when you are released.

Any violation of these rights, it is important that you inform your lawyer or a representative of the Mexican Consulate that visits you; or the closest office of the Secretary of Foreign Relations within Mexican territory. [then we'll really screw the gringos over]

If you want more information and live in Texas, United States or Ciudad Acuña, Coahuilla, tune in to "The Poderosa" on 1570 AM.

[the mothership is calling!]


If you were already sentenced for some crime or you find yourself facing a criminal proceeding in some jail, you have the following rights: [gringos are gracious are so kind]

Not to be discriminated against by policy, judicial, or jail authorities. [but you are free to claim racism even it there was none - especially if there was none]

Receive visits from Consulate officials and your family. [all 20 million of them]

Receive the appropriate legal aid without that aid being based on any conditions and without obstruction. [the gringos pay for that too]

If you are facing criminal prosecution and you haven't been sentenced yet, ask your lawyer of the representative from the Consulate, what the terms of the "Plea Agreement" are. [you either get jailed and get to stay, or get sent back to try again]


[we're building America!]

Don't plead guilty without first asking your lawyer about the probability of winning your case in a trial. [see corruption comment above]

It is important that you know the laws of the state of the American Union in which you live and work, because the laws are different in each one of them. Keep the following information in mind: [while raping and pillaging and breaking the strike of the American worker who refuses to be exploited for pennies an hour]

If you drink don't drive, because without documents you may be detained and deported. [but drinking and driving with them is permitted]

If you are a legal resident and are stopped more than twice for driving under the influence, you may be deported. [not likely until you run over teenager like the others who were]

Don't drive without a license. [mmkay?]

Obey traffic signs and use a seatbelt.[if in a rush because your wife is delivering another seed of ruin for this country, fuck them]

Don't drive without auto insurance and don't accept driving an unknown vehicle. [lol ok!]

Do not allow strangers to ride in your car. [too many noble Mexicans are caught in gang related activities now]

If the driver commits some traffic violation and you are stopped by the police, put your hands on the steering wheel and don't get out of the car until the officer asks you to.[not that you'll understand what he says anyway]

Avoid calling attention to yourself, at least while you are in the process of getting your documents in order to live in the United States.[there might be a bit more stealthy subversion needed]


[halt! illegal? sorry, you may pass because I have kids to feed]


The best formula is to not change work or domestic routine.

Avoid loud parties, the neighbors can be bothered and call the police, and you can be arrested.

Avoid getting involved in fights.

If you go to a bar and a fight breaks out, stay away, because in the confusion you could be arrested even though you haven't done anything.

Avoid family or domestic violence. Just like in Mexico, it is a crime in the United States. [except you beasts have to be told not to do it]


[land of the free]

Domestic violence isn't just hitting, it is also threats, shouting, or mistreatment. [just kill the bitch]

If you are accused of domestic violence against your children or spouse or some other person that lives with you, you can go to jail. Besides, the authorities of Child Protective Services (CPS) can take your children away from you. [and again, taken care of by gringos]

Don't carry firearms, knives, or other dangerous objects.

Keep in mind that many Mexicans have died or have gone to prison for this. [not because it's wrong but because it's illegal]


[and the home of the brave]

If the police enter your house or apartment, don't resist, but ask for their "Search Warrant". It is better to cooperate, and ask to communicate with the closest Mexican Consulate. [they have something called civil rights here, you'll love it!]


[i have you now!! get ready for some major oppression!!]

The Secretary of Foreign Relations has 45 consular representations in the interior and along the southern border of the United States of America, whose function is to help you. Remember: If you have been detained or you find yourself serving a sentence, you have the right to communicate with the closest Mexican consulate. Carry your "Guide to Consular Protection" with you always.

Trust/get closer to your Consulate... Trust/get closer to Mexico. It's your home, countryman! [from sea to shining sea]


[now we are rich! we don't need them anymore]
No, I'm not american, therefore I do not deserve an opinion

Why do people find the UK such an attractive destination?

- social reasons: it's a multi-cultural society, highly tolerant of all lifestyles and has low rates of crime.

- employment factors: low unemployment rate (under 5%), high job turnover rate creating opportunities, typical work week of 35 hours, generous leave, statutory maternity and paternity benefits, 12 public holidays and good salaries.

- economic criteria: 4th largest economy, not prone to wild swings in performance, a strong currency, low inflation (3%), the world's most even distribution of wealth and surprisingly low taxes.

- cultural wants: cultural and historical activities and sites galore; international travel is cheap and easy.

- education needs: sophisticated world-leading education facilities; world famous universities; free state schools attended by over 90% of school-age children with the balance attending private schools.

- healthcare concerns: world-class free healthcare system available to all.

- welfare: a large welfare system to help you out if one of life's disasters befalls you.

We have our own problem you blinkered dual, pathetic, coward bastard - why don't you talk to me with your main account - you complete hamster fucker.
No, I'm not american, therefore I do not deserve an opinion
Don't shove words in my mouth. You don't get to have an opinion until you've heard the facts from Americans and not what your television tells you.