Grammour Boy
Where is the Harlot? I haven't seen her post in a few weeks.
Elrod Jericoho 1 said:Insignificant? That's what all PWNED cock-chuggers would say when they're having theyre ass handed to them on a plate like Raffle sis doing to you Cracky.
Cranky B astard said:That Raffles has snatched onto it like it was a teenager's panties has provided nothing but laughs for me. He bit a hook; the harder he chews, the more I laugh. Is he here for my amusement?
Cranky Bastard said:I'm losing nothing. This is a Raffles thread dedicated to trolling my pic. So far, he has scored one good joke in 4 threads and countless attempts.
I mean, we're talking RAFFLES, here. He is the self-proclaimed troll-GOD and recognized by all as the supreme troll on the internet. I want to give him every chance of really really trolling me without letting this get derailed.
I will answer Raffles, only. We're expecting melt-down here and I don't want you in the way.
Here, Raffy:
Push me over the edge. You're holding back.
Black Hat said:Raffles, you need to find help, fast. You think you are god, but you are not.
You are a bastard, and nothing will change that. You are an emo lying in his bed hoping to be good at something. Well, Raffles, the only way you will ever be considered human is if you stop acting like a baby and admit that you messed up charas and left history there that will never be forgotten. These pests here can all go to hell. We know what you plan to do and we have several plans to stop it. What's the matter, Raffles, not strong enough to take down Charas yourself, so you get these guys to do it for you? Stop cutting yourself and find something to do other than sit on the computer destroying a forum that took 4 years to establish. I hope you burn in hell and your children eaten by wolves. Try and get yourself a life. Your "holy-ness" is a shadow you use to make us look bad when we are the victims. You joined charas and filled it with Nazi shit and started a tarot card fad. You just completely ignored those. If these Trolls are really "benefiting" the internet, they will see through your ruse and instead ban you. You are a cowardly loser cloaking your shame with your lies. It's all over your avatar too! Your "Phantom of the Opera" avatar just screams "I'm a shamefull man trying to hide my pain."
Die a horrible, painful death, Raffles.
Grammour Boy said:What is this all about?![]()
Cranky Bastard said:Raffles believes he's doing battle with me. He thinks I'm really fighting with my "hardest stuff."
I'm too busy laughing at him.
Grammour Boy said:Exchange MSN handles.
Grammour Boy said:There have been so many recent instances of bullying, it's laughable. It's like a sport or something. Right now, I am the object of the bullying because I dare think differently. I dare to speak against necro'ed bump-fests which are against the rules and punsihable by a stint in daycare. As a result of speaking out I have a reputation for being a "deviant". Even though necro'ed bump-fest are against the few rules of the board. Apparently, following the rules is considered deviancy.
Atlas_Collins said:Is this a dick-waving contest?
You hurt his feelings by rejecting his MSN advances. :laugh:Cranky Bastard said:That's exactly what he asked for. I told him no and he's pissed, as you can see.
Raffles is supposed to be "the best troll" in the world... Looks to me like he's trolling himself.
Grammour Boy said: