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My Weekend Sexual Experience

This morning new guy and I woke up, and I didn't really remember what we'd done, so I asked him, and I get this response: "Well, we both got extremely drunk, I took advantage of you, we had hot sex, but I don't remember going to bed."



Took advantage of me? Is this even possible? Other than in the sense that he takes advantage of the opportunity to have great sex every weekend, I can't think of anything he could do that would classify as "taking advantage of." I only remembered very basic parts of the night, but with a little prompting I now remember everything he remembers except for that last round of hot sex.

I will post it tonight or tomorrow, after I straighten out a minor quibble I have with the sequence of events.
We got to his place around 8:30 and he asked me to suck his cock. Then he requested I lick his balls. Then sex, but the bed is awfully creaky so we stick the mattress on the floor and fuck. Awesome, for so many reasons but I feel the need to emphasize here that right now I am only having sex on the weekends, so each Friday is the culmination of a long, long wait Not really any dirty talk, just hot sweaty sex with lots of pushing and needing. After he came you'd have to take a crowbar to the grins on our faces. I thanked him profusely, which I always do, and he responded in kind. I like touching his body all over, and I do it often. He enjoys it as well, which is why we stayed in bed until 10:30 and then tried to find a place to eat.

I started drinking hard liquor around midnight, maybe? We fixed our drinks and retired to the bedroom to watch The Twilight Zone. I wanted to touch him all over but I had to try really hard not to so that we could watch the whole episode uninterrupted. This attempt was successful only through the first episode we watched. The second episode was a little bit boring, so I started touching him and kissing him a little bit and all of a sudden he grabbed my hips and started licking me and fingering me. I don't really need to use adjectives for it, just go up a few posts and pick some other one where he's eating me out. I need to dig out my thesaurus so I can come up with new ways to write "we had awesome hot fantastic sex or miscellaneous sex act"

I'm pretty sure that after this episode is where we stopped and talked for a long time. He got out his acoustic and played me some blues. That was really cool but the whole concept of a guy pullng out his guitar and playing me a song --BLUES, no less!-- is so totally foreign to me that I still don't know what to think. I mean, give me a guy that pulls out his cock and tells me to suck it and I'm on familiar and comfortable ground, assuming I'm already sexually active with the guy. He does *that* too, and *tells* me to suck it which is great. I don't know if I'd like that sort of attitude from other guys but with him it just works really well for us.

I'm sure there was some miscellaneous sexual activity; probably me servicing him orally on and off during talking.

My friend (his roommate) came home from work around 2 or 3 AM or so and we went out there and said hi. He took a few pictures of us with his phone. Then we went back into the bedroom and by that time we were pretty damn drunk. I remember us having sex 'spoon-style' and *while* he was thrusting he reached over me and grabbed his drink and drank some, it was really kind of stimulating that he did it. And then at one point I mimicked that, when I was on top of him I reached over and grabbed my drink and drank it while fucking him (kind of difficult).

During the time we weren't having sex (before the drinking thing I remembered? After? Who knows?) He had me tell me the sluttiest thing I'd ever done. I told him about the time I rebounded by fucking my ex's best friend less then ten feet away from the bed where said ex was asleep. Not very slutty, I know, but I'm just a goody-two-shoes. Want crazy stories? Have BlackDog post *her* stuff here. And this other time where I had sex with three different guys in the same day. They all knew I was fucking other guys, but I don't think any of them realized the short time frame between sexual encounters. Again, not so slutty. So he had me please him orally while calling me all sorts of names again, I think.

That's the end of what I can remember, with or without prompting. He told me in the morning that I sucked on him for a really long time, and he fucked me really hard from behind, I think and called me names and was going to cum on my face but.... apparently he didn't, and he doesn't remember *stopping* fucking me, or going to bed or anything. I wonder what we did? We probably just stopped all of a sudden and went to bed. I have no clue, and neither does he.

So in the morning, when I woke up the last thing I remember was hanging out with my friend in the other room and there was a small flash of memory of his cock in my mouth but that's hardly surprising or unusual. WTF was this "taking advantage of me"? It turned out to be that question about the sluttiest thing I've ever done, because I was really drunk and he probably didn't think I'd tell him sober, or was looking for some deep dark dirty secret. But I don't have too many of those.

This morning, we were talking about the night before, and I spent a really long time just stroking and playing with his balls, and then he told me to suck his cock; and ended up cumming in my mouth. That was pretty neat since it had been a while (few weeks?) since he came in my mouth.

Oh, I remember something else from last night that I don't know exactly where to place. I was liking his balls, and usually I just focus on either the balls or the dick, since I am a horrible multi-tasker. As I was stopping, I gave his cock a long wet lick, and he said "Do that one more time--no, do that THREE more times." Of course I did, and that's that whole memory, completely apart from the rest of the night and I'm not sure where to place it.
I have yet to read a Thug Angel post. I suspect I will sometime in the next couple of months or so.
Sometimes I think you're the only one I can talk to, Gonad.

(Don't worry, I won't ruin this moment with words.)
Last night I called him up, and we ended up seeing X3. It was cool to watch a movie with him, but it would have been cooler in a lot of ways if I weren't so distracted by him. One of the few downsides. Afterwards, he asked me what we were going to do (ie is he just taking me home or will there be sex) I said that I wanted to have sex, and he promptly agreed. So we decided that we'd figure out if I was spending the night with him or not *after* we had sex, since that was foremost on our minds and hindering our decision-making capabilities. We went back to his place, the mattress was still on the floor from when I was there last. The lights stayed off.

Nothing out of the ordinary, but he felt so *good*. I was sitting/kneeling on the mattress and after he'd started pushing down his pants I grabbed him and yanked his boxers down and started sucking on him. Moved to the balls, then back to the dick. Stopped so he could lie down. Wow, this gets to be such repetitive writing. The typical sex talk between the two of us, how I needed him, how I'd been waiting all week for his cock in me, etc. How called him that evening with the intent of having sex with him, and I would have done ANYTHING for his cock that night, because I wanted/needed it so much. (Or was that said in the morning? Not sure.) I actually had the orgasm first, and he told me to beg him to cum. I don't think I beg very well in that regard, and I'll have to think about it a bit so that I can say new and interesting things; more intriguing phrases than "Please oh please cum in me I want it I need it so badly."

Afterwards I decided to sleep there and go straight to work in the morning. I told him (and it was the truth) that that afternoon I'd been thinking and I really wanted him to treat me like shit and dominate me ruthlessly on Friday. He said he'd like that, and I repeated that I wanted that. I commented that if we go any further with it things could get crazy, and he reminded me that he's not into actually hurting/abusing me or anything, and won't do it. I assured him that I wasn't interested in hardcore like that either (and I'm not, depending on your definitions of "interested" and "hardcore like that"). He promised me that he was going to be completely selfish and treat me horribly on Friday. <insert delighted emoticon here>

We went to sleep after a brief conversation about whether or not Magneto is actually evil or just very cold.

In the morning I woke up and decided to nuzzle his balls and suck his dick a little. I was hoping he was asleep and wake up during it but it turned out he was awake the whole time. When he started fucking me he asked if I liked his cock getting hard in my mouth (what? of course!) Usual talk and name-calling, but this time I added the term 'cunt.' I also enthusiastically professed how I would do ANYTHING for his cock. I know I did the night before (I think), but I really made a point of it this morning, with any luck--good or bad--he'll test my resolve on that. I want him to. Oh, the anticipation of challenge!
I just had my last final today and to celebrate I went over to his place and we had sex. Yeah, it was good. Just go back and read highlights from other entries, you'll get the picture.

It occurred to me that Tuesday was the first time we'd hung out without getting really drunk. Seriously, from the first night I met him through every subsequent night, we've both managed to get really drunk. But Tuesday and tonight we didn't drink and it was just as fun.
Gonad said:
I have yet to read a Thug Angel post. I suspect I will sometime in the next couple of months or so.
No you don't, trust me ;)

It's wierd, I thought you were a guy all this time. Maybe it was the username or something.
It must have been that thread I started about how cool it would be to be in a zoo because you could throw poop at people and they'd laugh and you could jerk off at the hot girls walking by and throw your semen at them and it would be okay.

And you seem to know a lot about me and my posting habits at TBBS as well. May I ask who you are over there? ;)
You may ask. I don't post much there; mostly lurk. I'll probably lurk a little less now that MA is boring.
I am really irritated because *apparantly* I had some really great sex last night and particularly enjoyed myself, but I remember none of it. This is enough to put me off drinking. Well, maybe not.

This morning we had more great sex, and I haven't figured out the best way to present it. If I'm not careful, it'll sound really bad and wrong in a not sexy way. It probably will anyway. He said some *mean* things to me, and I loved it. And afterwards we laughed about the reaction he'd get if he said these things to other girls during sex. I know if any other guy I've been with said these things he'd have been out the door before he had a chance to put his clothes back on, but I really like it with this particular guy. Legendary stuff.