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Nascent Drama Redux

That, coupled with the fact that I haven't been posting much of late, means your post count is 10 times what mine is :P

But oh well, I've been busy!
whats with this thread? free green karma? shouldnt it be earned?

doesnt that just defeat the purpose all together?

sweet, red karma. at least I broke the trend. Not a total loss of respect for this "circle jerk" thread.
Dershocka said:
Your little box is red.

Yes, THAT box.

I think you mite have missed one of my posts to leave red karma on. Its like an easter egg hunt. go find it stupid monkey. I kno youre itchin to do so.
Dershocka said:
Not really.
lmao! you say not really as red karma. found that one you missed yet? Im startin to feel as if I havnt truely posted til you hunted it down and added what seems to be my second Sig
Sniper Kitty said:
lmao! you say not really as red karma. found that one you missed yet? Im startin to feel as if I havnt truely posted til you hunted it down and added what seems to be my second Sig
Same here.
Inflected forms: sor·ri·er, sor·ri·est 1. Feeling or expressing sympathy, pity, or regret.

Yet you keep doing it? Hmm... lets try this.

Inflected forms: con·tra·dict·ed, con·tra·dict·ing, con·tra·dicts
1. To assert or express the opposite of (a statement).