Voting is done by posting the name in this thread. First vote counts, ppl who can be voted for are
Voting ends in 48 Hours PST from the posting of this thread. Good Luck to all of the Candidates!
- Omar
- Gagh
- Falconarg
- Yub
- Dirk Funk
- Douche Pukehole
- Loktar
- FBI Parte Due
- Sniper Kitty
I call shenanigans!
I'd like a link to where Douche Pukehole was vouched for a second time after he was disallowed citizenship. I'd also like evidence provided that he was nominated for election. If no evidence can be provided he will not be considered a citizen and cannot be on this list, nor can he vote.
Another thing is that I don't see The Dork Lord's name on the Citizens list either. I could've sworn it was there before....
*floods his pantz*
You yourself admitted that any pettition to remove ANYONE from the list was JUST THAT. A petition, subject to approval by managemnt.
Fu King Princess nominated Douche so deal with it until he's offcically removed.
Same goes with the LC's duals. AS YOU SAID, it's up to mod's discretion.
Also: why is it ok for DUAL to have 8 voting accounts and no one else?
I only count 3 possible accounts that could be Dual's which gives him a grand total of 4 voting accounts. That's still small compared to Love Child's 8 accounts. She'll still have five if this miniature purge works. I can live with those odds.
Eight? More like six if you really stretch your imagination.
Fake Henoch
Falcy's Girl (Which I still think is J&L's account)
Khalid Sheikh
Thesaurus (which I don't think is really his)
That's it.