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Nascent Drama

Dude! You don't know that!

He needs surgery to take care of the ear infection, possible polyps, and to get fixed.

That's all I'm sayin!

Yeah I know I don't that. I was making a bad joke about you being jobless and not making much money. Which I feel bad about doing while your cat is in such trouble(pun intended) Hence the sorry.
Our Spamstitution states, and I quote...

Badlands Spamstitution said:
10. In the case of a tie, the two candidates with the least votes will be stricken from the ballot and there will be a secondary election. This election will be held immediately.

11. Secondary elections will last as long as the original.

12. The ballot itself will be a thread with a cutoff date.
A) The time zone used for this cutoff will be Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5).
I might not have a lot, since I can only seem to find temp work (when I do find it) but I do find ways to get by, and I will find a way to keep my cat alive.

I actually have a cat story from when I was a kid, but it's SOFA KING EMO!
I went over the election results again. If you don't count the three Love Child accounts under dispute and you strictly go by the names on the citizens list, here's what you get.

Omar: 8
Dirk Funk: 8
Gagh: 2
FBI Parte Due: 2
loktar: 2
Falconarg: 1

If you allow the votes from the disputed accounts, the tally looks like this:
Dirk Funk: 11
Omar: 8
Gagh: 2
FBI Parte Due: 2
loktar: 2
Falconarg: 1

Finally, if you allow the disputed accounts and the handful (two: The Dork Lord and Kitty - I'm stll not counting Douche Pukehole as he was fairly refused addition to the citzens list) of disenfranchised citizens, here's that tally:
Dirk Funk: 11
Omar: 10
Gagh: 2
FBI Parte Due: 2
loktar: 2
Falconarg: 1

Of course, if we adhere to the Spamstitution, under article 12ssA, it states

"The time zone used for this cutoff will be Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5)."

All of Love Child's votes are rendered null and void due to the fact she voted after the Spamstitutionally declared cutoff time. if we hold to that, the final count is (and this is the one I think is 100% justified):
Omar: 8
Dirk Funk: 3
Gagh: 2
FBI Parte Due: 2
loktar: 2
Falconarg: 1

This would result in Omar as the true victor, by a landslide.

I challenge anyone to out-lawyer me on this one. I dare you.
I specifically stated that the cutoff would be 48 Hours PST time however since I made the thread in PST. The election was changed last time due to board upgrade, so it can be changed this time.


I have lawyers, I will seek thier council.
After many hours of pouring over this case in my den, there is one inevitable conclusion that comes from any angle of approach: the Spamstitutionally mandated EST ending time overrides anything posted in the thread for the actual election. Otherwise, the ballot by its very nature would be rendered unconstitutional.
Who the hell are you anyway? And why did you not post video of yourself pouring over this and deliberating for hours in your den? Because I want a visual! A visual Thesarus! A visual!!!!
I am Thesaurus, brother of Spellcheck and son of Dictionary. My line traces its lineage back to the lexicons of old Greece. I am your attorney, madam, but I see in this a hopeless case. Consider this a tactical retreat.
