I went over the election results again. If you don't count the three Love Child accounts under dispute and you strictly go by the names on the citizens list, here's what you get.
Omar: 8
Dirk Funk: 8
Gagh: 2
FBI Parte Due: 2
loktar: 2
Falconarg: 1
If you allow the votes from the disputed accounts, the tally looks like this:
Dirk Funk: 11
Omar: 8
Gagh: 2
FBI Parte Due: 2
loktar: 2
Falconarg: 1
Finally, if you allow the disputed accounts and the handful (two: The Dork Lord and Kitty - I'm stll not counting Douche Pukehole as he was fairly refused addition to the citzens list) of disenfranchised citizens, here's that tally:
Dirk Funk: 11
Omar: 10
Gagh: 2
FBI Parte Due: 2
loktar: 2
Falconarg: 1
Of course, if we adhere to the Spamstitution, under article 12ssA, it states
"The time zone used for this cutoff will be Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5)."
All of Love Child's votes are rendered null and void due to the fact she voted after the Spamstitutionally declared cutoff time. if we hold to that, the final count is (and this is the one I think is 100% justified):
Omar: 8
Dirk Funk: 3
Gagh: 2
FBI Parte Due: 2
loktar: 2
Falconarg: 1
This would result in Omar as the true victor, by a landslide.
I challenge anyone to out-lawyer me on this one. I dare you.