Troll Kingdom

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Nascent Drama

The Dump - once again

Yeah I have done it again I have made a thread to dump all the useless spam and flood into because I really don't like all the bullshit that is floating around on the surface of my petforum and anyway I have waited too long for everybody to relax about SCap and now I can't be arsed to wade through all that drivel so if anybody has a problem with me creating yet another really big thread they should remember that they can have it deleted as soon as an admin can be found who gives a fuck about this oh yeah and if you feel idiotic enough to actually post in this thread please keep in mind that this is something like the garbage bin so don't you go and post cool stuff in this because eventually it will be erased and there will be no archiving of this thread no sir and don't you dare to complain about any of your precious posts being deleted because you have been warned and btw I always intended Spamcapital to be exactly like that so I admit I haven't shed a lot of tears when that mother of a server drain was killed and if you have a problem with my attitude then fuck off oh but I forgot: if you don't want idiotic threads of yours to be dumped in here then you should speak up now because





Warning! This IS a real dream I had, and I'm wondering if I should use this idea, and add onto it, making it into a movie. Please tell me what you think. As well as what you think about my dream in general.

J&L is driving his car on his way to see his friend Sarah. As he pulls into her apartment complex, his way is blocked by many police cars with their lights flashing.
J&L: "Mother fucker."
Turning around and trying to go the opposite way, a few more police cars drive in and block his way. Being very scared, he speeds off in another direction. Police show up to block that way as well. Scared out of his life, J&L runs out of his car sprinting for a place to hide.
Police: "Freeze!" They shouted at him. This caused J&L to look back while running. As soon as his head turned back around, he saw a small glimpse of a tall man with a mustache. Before J&L could stop himself from running into the man, he punched J&L in the face causing J&L to lose conciseness.

J&L awoke to another younger looking man standing over him with and outstretched arm, and a big smile on his face.
Young man 1: "Hey buddy! Welcome, to the real world!"
Another young man walks over to him looking very discusted.
Young man 2: "What!?"
Young man 1: "I just always wanted to say that... shut the fuck up Dual."
J&L: "Dual? What the fuck is going on here? Where am I? Who are you?"
Young man 1: "Ha! It's me dooder! It's Jack!"
J&L: "Wha... Jack who?
Jack: "You know. From Troll Kingdom?"
J&L: "Troll kingdom!? What!? Jack!? How do you know who I am! What the hell am I doing here!?" An little older man comes up to J&L and pulls him to his feet."
Dork Lord: "Hey J&L. Calm down. There's a good reason for all of this."
J&L: "Pickle?"
Dork Lord: "Heh. How'd you know?"
J&L: "Just a hunch I guess."
Loktar: "Hey dude. It's Loktar. We're all here. Just look around."
J&L takes a look around and sees a huge group of people all spread out in what seemed to be a park setting. He noticed two men in the corner with their arms folded, looking rather pissed off. J&L recognized the man on the right as the man he saw who punched him.
J&L: *Very mad* "Hey you! What the fuck is your problem?! Why the fuck did you punch me!?" Loktar comes over and restrains J&L.
Loktar: "Easy dude. Don't worry about it. He did it to bring you here."
J&L: "And who the fuck is that!?"
Dork Lord: "Ha ha! Can't you tell by his pissy personallity? That's Gagh, man!"
J&L: "Fucking Gagh..."
Jack: "Ha! Yep! And the one standing next to him looking straight at me is messy!"
Jack smiles and waves to messenger. Messenger in turn flips off Jack. Just then another man walks up wearing sunglasses and a suit.
Dershocka: "Hey J&L. How's it goin? Good to see ya."
J&L: "And just who the hell are you supposed to be?"
Dershocka: *takes off sunglasses* "It's Dershocka, man." Dershocka then does some bad michael jackson moves and then shakes J&L's hand.
J&L: "Um... ya. Well... It's good to finally meet you all but what the hell are we all doing here? What the hell am I doing here?"
Woman: "I can answer that for you." J&L turns around to see three women walking toward him.
Woman: "Hello J&L. Remember those police?"
J&L: "Yeah..."
Woman: "They were trying to arest you dear. As well as all of us."
J&L: "Missmanners!?"
Missmanners: *smiles* "You catch on quick."
J&L: "Where are we?"
Missmanners: "A place that's safe...for now."
The woman on the right walks over and hugs J&L.
Love Child: "It's good to see you."
J&L: "Wait a minute, I know that voice! Mirah..." J&L wraps his arms around Love Child and hugs her back. A few seconds later, Love Child pulls away and slaps J&L across the face.
J&L "Ah! What the fuck was that for!"
Love Cunt: "You should know by now that I have a split personality J&L." J&L smiles, then turns to the women on the right who is stairing at him with her mouth open in shock. J&L immediately recognizes her and flinched. J&L smiles.
J&L: "Hey."
SuN: "J&L!? But you're...!"[/B]
Missmanners: "SuN! We use are usernames so we can still remain somewhat anonymous to the police and each other.
SuN: "Right sorry."
Missmanners: "So then dear, tell me how you think we found you."
J&L: *Very mad* "Cacophony told you who I was..."
Missmanners: "Very good. And why you think they wanted us all arrested?"
J&L: "Well it's got to have to do with trolling. But that doesn't make sence! Even if you piss off the wrong people, they can't do anything about it! Right?"
Missmanners: "Apperantly they can do plenty dear."
A young man just then comes up and hugs missmanners from the side.
Young man: "Sup faggot."
J&L: "Hello Failconarg. It looks as tho everything anyone's ever said about you was right."
Falconarg then thinks to himself for a minute and shugs his shoulders.
Falconarg: "Meh..."
Missmanners pats Falconarg on the head.
Missmanners: "Hello there dear. J&L and I are talking right now, so would you mind going back over there and continue playing with Hero? I'll be right back ok?"
Falconarg nods and runs away.
J&L: "Where's Sniper Kitty?"
Missmanners: "Sorry J&L. We weren't able to track Sniper Kitty down. Nobody knows anything about her. Er... or him. Or whatever."
J&L thinks to himself, smiles, and then nods.
J&L: "I see. It's alright. SK can take care of SK's self."
Dual: "MM, hows about we fill the kid in on what's going on here."
J&L: "Fuck you Dual! But yeah. Please fill me in."
Missmanners: *smiles* "Lets take a walk J&L."

[And then I woke up]

Read it, liked it, want to read more!