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Nascent Drama

Like the radical exponents of the Cultural Revolution in China during the 1960s, the Khmer Rouge regarded traditional education with unalloyed hostility. After the fall of Phnom Penh, they executed thousands of teachers. Those who had been educators prior to 1975 survived by hiding their identities. Aside from teaching basic mathematical skills and literacy, the major goal of the new educational system was to instill revolutionary values in the young. For a regime at war with most of Cambodia's traditional values, this meant that it was necessary to create a gap between the values of the young and the values of the nonrevolutionary old.

The regime recruited children to spy on adults. The pliancy of the younger generation made them, in the Angkar's words, the "dictatorial instrument of the party." In 1962 the communists had created a special secret organization, the Democratic Youth League, that, in the early 1970s, changed its name to the Communist Youth League of Kampuchea. Pol Pot considered Youth League alumni as his most loyal and reliable supporters, and used them to gain control of the central and of the regional CPK apparatus. The powerful Khieu Thirith, minister of social action, was responsible for directing the youth movement.

Hardened young cadres, many little more than twelve years of age, were enthusiastic accomplices in some of the regime's worst atrocities. Sihanouk, who was kept under virtual house arrest in Phnom Penh between 1976 and 1978, wrote in War and Hope that his youthful guards, having been separated from their families and given a thorough indoctrination, were encouraged to play cruel games involving the torture of animals. Having lost parents, siblings, and friends in the war and lacking the Buddhist values of their elders, the Khmer Rouge youth also lacked the inhibitions that would have dampened their zeal for revolutionary terror.

Health facilities in the years 1975 to 1978 were abysmally poor. Many physicians either were executed or were prohibited from practicing. It appears that the party and the armed forces elite had access to Western medicine and to a system of hospitals that offered reasonable treatment, but ordinary people, especially "new people," were expected to use traditional plant and herbal remedies that usually were ineffective. Some bartered their rice rations and personal possessions to obtain aspirin and other simple drugs.
First They Killed My Father

First They Killed My Father: A Daughter of Cambodia Remembers is a 2000 nonfiction book written by a Cambodian author and survivor of the Pol Pot regime Loung Ung. It is a personal account of her experiences during the Khmer Rouge years.
Loung Ung was five years old in Cambodia at the start of the Pol Pot Regime. Her father was a middle-class government worker, and thus a prime target for the Khmer Rouge. Loung, her parents, and her many siblings had to flee their home, setting out with no warning and no destination. They had to leave almost everything behind and pretend to be a farming family to avoid capture, but were eventually sent to a work camp.
After a string of work camps, Loung and her family had almost grown used to the constant hunger and tiredness, the fear of and separation from every other member of their villages, and to hiding their emotions so as to not appear weak. Soon, Loung’s teenaged brothers, Khouy and Meng, and sister, Keav, were sent away to a different work camp. Keav died shortly after her arrival. Then Loung’s father was taken away and killed.
Loung’s mother forced Loung, her sister Chou, and her remaining brother Kim to run away, leaving herself and her baby daughter Geak behind. Loung and Chou, too afraid to split up as they had been ordered, arrived at a child work camp where they stayed together until Loung was sent to a different camp to be trained as a child soldier. Soon, Ma and Geak are assumed to be dead, because the soldiers "took them away."
Eventually, Loung, Meng, and Meng's wife Eang escape to Vietnam, then Thailand, then finally to America.
Now you know why nobody likes you. You finally know how it feels when we're put down by the man. You deserve your muting for your faggot tree. You're a bad person and you know it. You know you deserve to die. The world would be a much better place without you. No one will ever love you. No one will acknowledge your existence. You will be miserable and alone for all of eternity. You are everyone's enemy. You can never belong. You are the very reason that bad things happen to all of us. You deserve to die.

Know why?

Because you are the fucking devil himself.

Now leave everyone alone, and die like the pathetic dog that you are, you piece of shit.
Now you know why nobody likes you. You finally know how it feels when we're put down by the man. You deserve your muting for your faggot tree. You're a bad person and you know it. You know you deserve to die. The world would be a much better place without you. No one will ever love you. No one will acknowledge your existence. You will be miserable and alone for all of eternity. You are everyone's enemy. You can never belong. You are the very reason that bad things happen to all of us. You deserve to die.

Know why?

Because you are the fucking devil himself.

Now leave everyone alone, and die like the pathetic dog that you are, you piece of shit.
Now you know why nobody likes you. You finally know how it feels when we're put down by the man. You deserve your muting for your faggot tree. You're a bad person and you know it. You know you deserve to die. The world would be a much better place without you. No one will ever love you. No one will acknowledge your existence. You will be miserable and alone for all of eternity. You are everyone's enemy. You can never belong. You are the very reason that bad things happen to all of us. You deserve to die.

Know why?

Because you are the fucking devil himself.

Now leave everyone alone, and die like the pathetic dog that you are, you piece of shit.
Now you know why nobody likes you. You finally know how it feels when we're put down by the man. You deserve your muting for your faggot tree. You're a bad person and you know it. You know you deserve to die. The world would be a much better place without you. No one will ever love you. No one will acknowledge your existence. You will be miserable and alone for all of eternity. You are everyone's enemy. You can never belong. You are the very reason that bad things happen to all of us. You deserve to die.

Know why?

Because you are the fucking devil himself.

Now leave everyone alone, and die like the pathetic dog that you are, you piece of shit.
Now you know why nobody likes you. You finally know how it feels when we're put down by the man. You deserve your muting for your faggot tree. You're a bad person and you know it. You know you deserve to die. The world would be a much better place without you. No one will ever love you. No one will acknowledge your existence. You will be miserable and alone for all of eternity. You are everyone's enemy. You can never belong. You are the very reason that bad things happen to all of us. You deserve to die.

Know why?

Because you are the fucking devil himself.

Now leave everyone alone, and die like the pathetic dog that you are, you piece of shit.
