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NCIS 2006 finally

Okay, here's a note:

The real NCIS Agent Ghalib was the guy in the oil drum. Gibbs was talking to the "Pin-Pin" dude thinking it was Ghalib. They'd never met before that, you can tell when the first start talking (after the chase) because the guy Gibbs chases and has the conversation with doesn't know his name.

And Ziva's reactions really weren't all that strange. She's known the guy for the shortest amount of time, they haven't really bonded all that much, and she's a career JSC. (That's Jewish "Splinter Cell" = Mossad spook).
Big Dick McGee said:
Eh, I tried to get into this show, but it's just not my genre.

That's the way I feel about JAG, the show NCIS's characters were introduced on. Courtroom stuff, not my thing. Investigations and forensics, though, hell yeah, especially with the action and humor the writers manage to put into it.
Sorry, I've just gotta bump this image:


That isn't Lauren Holly, of course, it's Christina Hendricks (YoSafBridge) but there's quite a resemblance, innit?
When Gibbs was talking to the people on video conference, it seemed a bit rushed.
And, I didn't know that the terrorist from the past season was Ziva's brother, You'll have to let me watch that episode.