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Was I right about her: I've quite possibly never been more wrong in my life.

Where to begin...

Right, she was the last one to come into the house. I was tired at that point and disappointed in the line-up (no black guy for me to support like in the previous three years!) and when I saw the Nikkster I just thought "oh great, another bimbo". But right from her first Diary Room chat about the make-up remover ("fifteen quid a bottle!") where she ended by saying "everyone seems really far" I knew she was one to watch. Over the next 8 weeks she achieved legendary BB status. Then she was evicted.

Then she was put back in.

Her bad side was more apparent. It had always been there but I'd made excuses for her. This time it was kind of undefendable how she was being horrible to Aisleyne (who seemed to think they were best friends!) and the tantrums had a bit of "oh give it a rest love" about it. I think it's my fault for having expecatations. I thought she'd get over the tantrums and change and grow and stuff. But she has deep-rooted issues...

I'm not saying her health problems (annorexic for ten years, tried to kill herself, was sectioned, force-fed through a tube and so on) excuse her behavious but they do help to EXPLAIN it. She is, I think, quite "fucked up" (to use a technical term) mentally. Honestly, maybe she never should have been in there at all...


Was she a good housemate: She'll be the most remembered from this year by far.

Best moments (TOO MANY, ARGH!)
The first Diary Room rant where she hit her toe.
The bottled water rant.
The fight with Grace.
Calling Sezer "Felix".
Saying that she thought she heard George tell Grace he's GAY (I've never laughed harder than I did at this, for some reason.)
Terrorising Glyn when he had to cook for the group "this toast is dryer than my arsehole!"
Quitting the standing task because she had "windchill" in her ear(!)
The overplayed but still classic "who IS she" rant about Susie.
The discussion on the ethics of "sucking the bum".
The "I WILL NOT SUCK FUCKING ARSEHOLE!" rant (she was fixated on the anus, wasn't she!)
Overplayed but still classic State Of Susie tantrum
Overplayed but still classic "I'M SO COOOOOOOOOOOOOOLDDDDDDDD!"
All the drunken attempts to seduce Pete
Her drunk apology after a drunken attempt to seduce Pete "I don't want you to get delusionalised!"
"(In Richard voice)'There's porridge oats, they're lovely!' Well why don't you have them then you FAT OX."
Mocking Aisleyne's "ghetto speak".
Trying to get to the Diary Room with her blindfold still on during the dancing task and the subsequent crying over her MP3 player.
"That's Nikki's bed!"
Calling Spiral "Splinter".
Her face when Pete and Aisleyne snogged (my former avatar.)
Stopping to quickly brush her hair in the DR on the way back in.
The tantrum over having to play Bonnie and Dawn in the musical and Glyn sitting on her cereal.
Glyn tricking her into saying NAUGHTY THINGS in Welsh.

There's SO MANY MORE (she made reading the alaphabet entertaining!) that I can't think of right now.

Final Thoughts:

Where to begin as my illustrious collegue pointed out. Ack..

I think it's fair to say that myself and the Wackster didn't see Nikki coming. At most I thought she was going in to be the new totally clueless housemate that didn't know that the Earth was round, or something along those lines.

Nikki was so much more than this. While not being the brightest hat in the tree (?) was far from Emma and Jade proportions of galactic stupidity and at times was infact quite shrewd and savvy with a quite developed ability to parody which I always respect. But it was the first tantrum that did it. I think it's fair to say that it took the nation by surprise when she went off the handle over the bottled water and water-proof make-up remover. The sheer triviality of it. I mean, Dawns best moment was the expression of disbelief she had plastered on her face as a tiny little pixie princess was going psycho crazy next to her. Thus began my love/hate relationship with the Nikkster. On one side I was doubled over by her antics and the sheer comedy that her daily tantrums produced but at the same time I was annoyed that anyone could be so spoilt and refuse to take other peoples considerations into account. Nikki's ability to seemingly see her own flaws and express that she was a spoilt kid who couldn't help having tantrums and was a pain-in-arse really did help her to not be so loathed and she will be remembered as the housemate of BB7.

Nikki was a bit crazy to be honest. I mean, there can be no doubt. I'm not going to go into her anorexia, her attempted suicide and being sectioned but Big Brother this year did put a lot of vulnerable people into that house.

For me she really made this BB worth watching and for that she is to be commended. She was brilliant television and really brought laughter to the nation so she cant' be all that bad. On reflection I think her eviction came a week early. She should of stayed in another week and then gone and not come back. Coming back did her no favors.

She hadn't improved and had managed to start having tantrums on even more trivial matters (how was this possible!?) and it was quite apparant that she had a bitchy side to her when it came down to slating her other housemates most notiably Aisleyene. Her slagging down of Aisleyene with Gracie in the secret house did her no favours and going on what could be described as a campaign of hate against her on the outside world by an overly dramatic person (me) while all the while Aisleyene thought they were friends and even going so far as to vote the little tyrant back in and prefusley apologise about one thing she said to her weeks ago while Nikki gave no such ground back and continued to bitch about her right to the end. That's why she got booed and she did deserve it but hell, I still felt a pang of emotion for the poor lass as she came down the stairs to that reception. The main draw of BB7 and one of the best housemates of all time.

Was she a good housemate: Yes. One of the best of all time. Whether you hated her or loved her there is no denying that she was an absolutley fierce housemate (as Gracie would say) and is responsible for ratings being higher than last year. Big Brother scored big with Nikki and she didn't dissapoint providing something to laugh about EVERY SINGLE DAY she was in the house. What more can you ask for? Some percieved journey, reflection and change? Well it would be nice but I think the girl is ill and needs to see a shrink with about 12 PhD's.

Best moment:
Too many to list here, (look at Wackys list) but my personal favourite was probably the MP3 player incident. I was in tears.
And it turns out today, she was an escourt.

At first I thought she was merly stupid, but I know she isnt, the stupidity is an act, the most ovbious example of this was in the house next door.

When Richard was talking to Imogen, and saying how well the pair of them were getting on now, Nikki said "Yeah, shes not bad for a plastic" outing Richard's diary room antics.

She had ovbiously been catching up with events in the house on video before she went back in, so she knows Ash wasnt her enemy, but she chose to keep her as one, purely on the basis of her kissing Pete.

Shes calculating, and very bitchy almost to the point of being evil, and people saw that after she went back in, and thats why she was booed, but even then the startled hare caught in the headlights act was just that, an act.

She sat in the chair with davina with her clown makeup and hair making her look pathetic, (all calculated, she knows how to make herself look nice, and that wasnt it), by sitting in "stunned" silence she was able to avoid any hard questions, then when Davina sent her on her way, she asked for the clips of her best bits.

No best bits for you biatch, was what Davina should have said, instead it was almost as good "Youve already had your best bits when you were evicted the first time"

In other words she had made no new contributions to the show, over than over the top trademark tantrums, which even Pete grew tired of
Mentalist said:


I wouldn't say that the fact that she MAY have been involved in the sex industry is proof that she's fake or calculating. It's not like vulnerable young women never get caught up in that life! And she claims not to have slept with any of her clients (imagine paying for just a date with Nikki!) and one of them was Pete Doherty! That's just typical Nikki madness and seems fitting with what we saw of her in the house. Does make her a hypocrite for calling Aisleyne a "slag" for kissing Pete BUT HEY SHE IS MAD.

Yes she IS mad. Obviously people giving into her tantrums reinforces her behaviour and causes her to act up more but there's more to it than that. THERE'S MADNESS.

I think after her illness she convinced herself that she had to be seen as sexy to have any worth and that's why she got involved in the soft-porn industry. That's my theory AND DAMN IT IT'S A GOOD ONE.

Anyway, the bottom line AS ALWAYS with Nikki is that she was a great housemate and there was so much more to her than just the tantrums. I'll remember the good times. Hopefully Pete will stick by her and help her see the errors of her ways a bit, maybe. She's not my responsibiltiy anymore so SOMEONE has to.