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Ogami...40,000 US Troops Have Deserted Since 2000


New member
Damn. Maybe 40,000 people are crazy, but you're sane.

By Ana Radelat
Gannett News Service

Swept up by a wave of patriotism after the U.S. invasion of Iraq, Chris Magaoay joined the Marine Corps in November 2004.

The newly married Magaoay thought a military career would allow him to continue his college education, help his country and set his life on the right path.

Less than two years later, Magaoay became one of thousands of military deserters who have chosen a lifetime of exile or possible court-martial rather than fight in Iraq or Afghanistan.

“It wasn’t something I did on the spur of the moment,” said Magaoay, a native of Maui, Hawaii. “It took me a long time to realize what was going on. The war is illegal.”

Magaoay said his disillusionment with the military began in boot camp in Twentynine Palms, Calif., where a superior officer joked about killing and mistreating Iraqis. When his unit was deployed to Iraq in March, Magaoay and his wife drove to Canada, joining a small group of deserters who are trying to win permission from the Canadian government to stay.

“We’re like a tight-knit family,” Magaoay said.

The Pentagon says deserters like Magaoay represent a tiny fraction of the nation’s fighting forces.

“The vast majority of soldiers who desert do so for personal, family or financial problems, not for political or conscientious objector purposes,” said Lt. Col. Bryan Hilferty, a spokesman for the Army.

Since 2000, about 40,000 troops from all branches of the military have deserted, the Pentagon says. More than half served in the Army. But the Army says numbers have decreased each year since the United States began its war on terror in Afghanistan.

Those who help war resisters say desertion is more prevalent than the military has admitted.

“They lied in Vietnam with the amount of opposition to the war and they’re lying now,” said Eric Seitz, an attorney who represents Army Lt. Ehren Watada, the first commissioned officer to refuse deployment to the war in Iraq.

Watada is under military custody in Fort Lewis, Wash., because he refused to join his Stryker brigade when it was sent to Iraq last month.

Watada said he doesn’t object to war but considers the conflict in Iraq illegal. The Army has turned down his request to resign and plans to file charges against him.

Critics of the Iraq war have demonstrated on the lieutenant’s behalf. Conservative bloggers call him a traitor and opportunist.

Joe Davis, spokesman for the Veterans of Foreign Wars, said deserters aren’t traitors because they’ve done nothing to help America’s enemies. But he rejects arguments that deserters have a moral right to refuse to fight wars they consider unjust.

“None of us can choose our wars. They’re always a political decision,” Davis said. “They’re letting their buddies down and hurting morale - and morale is everything on the battlefront.”

Because today’s military is an all-volunteer force, troops seeking objector status must convince superior officers they’ve had an honest change of heart about the morality of war.

The last time the U.S. military executed a deserter was World War II. But hundreds face court-martials and imprisonment every year.

Members of the armed forces are considered absent without leave when they are unaccounted for. They become deserters after they’ve been AWOL for 30 days.

A 2002 Army report says desertion is fairly constant but tends to worsen during wartime, when there’s an increased need for troops and enlistment standards are more lax. They also say deserters tend to be less educated and more likely to have engaged in delinquent behavior than other troops.

Army spokesman Hilferty said the Army doesn’t try to find deserters. Instead, their names are given to civilian law enforcement officers who often nab them during routine traffic stops and turn them over to the military.

Commanders then decide whether to rehabilitate or court-martial the alleged deserter. There’s an incentive to rehabilitate because it costs the military an average of $38,000 to recruit and train a replacement.

Jeffry House, an attorney in Toronto who represents Magaoay and other deserters, said there are about 200 deserters living in Canada. They have decided not to seek refugee status but instead are leading clandestine lives, he said.

Like many of the people helping today’s war resisters, House fled to Canada to avoid the Vietnam War. About 50,000 Americans sought legal residency in Canada during the Vietnam era.

“You would apply at the border and if you didn’t have a criminal record, you were in,” House said.

He said changes in Canadian law make it harder for resisters to flee north. Now, potential immigrants must apply for Canadian residency in their home countries. Resisters say that exposes them to U.S. prosecution.
Most of those numbers are incorrect. They didn't desert. They just haven't shown up to go to war.
Conchaga said:
Most of those numbers are incorrect. They didn't desert. They just haven't shown up to go to war.

Same fucking difference.

Article 85—Desertion

“(a) Any member of the armed forces who—

(1) without authority goes or remains absent from his unit, organization, or place of duty with intent to remain away therefrom permanently;

(2) quits his unit, organization, or place of duty with intent to avoid hazardous duty or to shirk important service.
Conchaga said:
I forgot about you, mr. chair force.

Chair force?

I saw combat dude. Both on the ground and in the air. You forget, I was there pretty much from the beginning. Before the green zone was set up and the flights in and out were safer then they are now. In the total time I was there I racked up over 500 flight hours and close to 100 combat landings.

Conchaga said:
I already have a non-combat job. For the Army, I'm an electrician. I could get into the specifics of why I still want to claim CO even though I won't really be required to pick up a gun. Would you like to hear them?

End of debate. You lose. Again.

Conchaga said:
What I'm about to write is not a scam or a joke. It's serious. It's my life and I am going to be the most honest I've ever been with you all.

Well, ladies and gentleman, it seems that Iraq is unavoidable for me. I have been called by Mr. Bush to go defend our country. I got the letter on monday. I'm not the only one. There's about 5,800 of us.

Read it for yourselves:

I was discharged from the army almost two years ago. However, they kept me in something called Individual Ready Reserve. I was almost free. I would've had to wait for another six months and I would've been out completely. It seems that's not the case. This is the same situation as the other 5,800 of us. We thought we had escaped. Please, take in mind that these 5,800 people quit the Army and were just waiting to be free of it. Now, we are all being ripped from our lives, families, and freedoms to participate in a war that most of us disagree with.

Essentially, folks, this is a backdoor draft. Mr. Bush is so desperate for troops that he has no choice but to take us from our lives. He can't truly draft people because that is not only unethical but political suicide. So, he's taking the easy way out.

I will not stand for this though. I am going to comply with my mobilization orders, but I will not lay down and take them quietly. As shocking as it may be to some of you, I am applying for a Conscientious Objector discharge.

What is a Conscientious Objector? It is a person who objects to participation in war in any form. Interesting coming from me, huh? Well, that's the truth. I now realize the impact of war and the tradgedy that it really is. I will not support this war or be used to support any other war.

Making this decision was the hardest I've ever made. It also has grave reprecussions for me. My parents and family disagree totally and I am now without their support completely. Except for a handfull of friends and my beloved girlfriend I am alone.

What's my real purpose for telling you all? I need support. I need your help. I need voices. You all have them. If you're opposed to this bogus war or any war, I'm speaking to you. I will be starting a campaign of my own to bring this injustice to the light of the public, but I can't do it alone.

How can you help? If any of you have connections to or information regarding news media, other anti-war organizations, anything that may assist in making my and my fellow soldiers' struggle known to the public, you can help.

If you're interested IM me, or e-mail me at redacted.

Thank you for allowing me to rain on your parades for a moment and speak about reality. Thank you in advance to anyone who wishes to help.

A very pissed off citizen,

PS This isn't an argument, it's a statment. If you've got a problem with me or my stance, let me tell you in advance to fuck yourself and go fight this war yourself if you feel so strongly about it. I'll gladly let you go in my place.

For anyone interested in reading more about Connie’s views. Here’s the link.