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Oh, Great Mac Guru!

As a side note, we should clean up the root folder of your internal drive as well, you'll probably notice faster boot times and less errors.

That list of folders you just posted ^ up der? We should delete "Previous Systems" and move everything but:


to your Home folder (the little house in the Finder window). So the root of your hard drive will just be System, Library, Applications, Users, and everything else you listed above in your home folder.

It's going to ask you to authenticate to delete "Previous Systems", use your account name and password (the password you use to run Software Update, install applications, et al).
Friday said:
Oh, and yes. All my music was on my external HD. I wanted to keep my internal HD as free as possible. For what, I don't know. More Clay, perhaps. LOL

So can you see your external drive on your Desktop?
Friday said:
Ugh! They're telling me it's an invalid file extension. it's pdf, and they don't accept that.

What's this about? Huyh? Are you double-clicking on a .pdf and it's not opening? Preview should automatically open any .pdfs... that's odd.

Okay, if you can see your external drive on your desktop, double click that, and list the folders inside.
Unfortunately, I've got to run, Friday, but I'm commited to resolving this issue.

With your permission, would it be acceptable to you if we chatted about this tomorrow over AIM or MSN?
I'm sinking into a pit of cyber despair.

The files I listed previously are what I see when I click on the external hard drive icon. All that stuff that you said should be moved.

I'm in the process of moving them now, but am just now realixing I'm moving them to my internal hard drive. The "Various Artists file, whicj=h are the first season of Star Trek/TOS and The Outer Limits, are going to take up at least 10 gbs of space.

I'm panicking.
Ishcabittle said:
Unfortunately, I've got to run, Friday, but I'm commited to resolving this issue.

With your permission, would it be acceptable to you if we chatted about this tomorrow over AIM or MSN?
Yeah, I know I have iChat here...somewhere. I'll meet up with you tomorrow.

Thanks for your help, and your endless supply of patience. :)
Okay, stop where you are.

Things are too complicated to solve them in a thread like this, I need a faster turnaround on my questions, so I think we better stop where we are and continue this tomorrow.

Don't worry. Everything will be fine, and we will fix everything. You can count on me, buddy.

Gotta go, but you'll hear from me soon.
I've stopped copying.

Ugh. I need a drink. This shit is too hard. In the olden days, all we had to worry about making sure the fire was large enough to roast the Tyranosaurus. ;)

Anyway, talk to ya tomorrow, Ishy. :D And thanks again.
Wait just a damn minute! I'm looking at the invoice from November of last year, when I last sent in my laptop. They replaced the logic board, then, also.

But they replaced it with a 1.2 GHZ MLB. This time it was 1.0.

Does that make a difference? Did they reduce my speed? Or does it matter?
Ishy is my hero! :D


He helped me access my music! It *was* just a matter of unclicking a folder, then dragging and dropping another into iTunes. My external HD is still adding files after almost an hour, but there's a lot to add.

But in a short while, my music will be mine again!

Three cheers for Ishy!

Hip Hip...Hooray!
Hip Hip...Hooray!
Hip Hip...Hooray!

Ack! This is the first time I've used iTunes 7.0, and I made the mistake of choosing to download cover art.

iTunes is now downloading 12...THOUSAND covers! Yes, you read that right. Twelve THOUSAND. Subsequently, my computer has come to a crawl.


On the bright side, when the process is done, I'll have some cool cover art. :D
Ishy, a professional inquiry...

In the past 10 months, both my logic board and hard drive have had to be replaced *twice*. I read on an Apple forum where someone went thru the same thing, called Apple, and insisted they send a computer to replace the obviously defective one.

What do you think my chances are of being successful with that course of action?
Well, only because I know a little about the inside workin's of applecare...

Usually on the third go around with an identical problem the unit is labelled a "lemon" and they replace the computer with what they have in stock at the time. Could be an iBook G4, could be a MacBook.

Really you just have to scream and shout over the phone a bunch (having a legit problem helps, too).
Thanks, ishy. I found the number for Apple's Customer Relations. If one more thing happens to this lemon, they are going to hear from me.

Had a wee problem with iTunes, but I used Disk Utility to repair permissions (don't I sound all perfessional like? ;) ), now things are fine.

Except for one thing. One MAJOR thing.

I can play all my purchased music from the iTunes music store, except...

CLAY! :mad: No shit. I can't play any Clay at all. Maybe it's just a matter of a moved folder (I hope), but right now I'm Clay-less. That's the damndest thing. I can listen to everything but Clay.

I'm going thru withdrawal. :(