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Ongoing X-Files Thread of Doom...

Again, not actually X-Files, but I don't want to open another Thread of Doom and don't feel like pestering the Admins to change this to "The Ongoing Stuff I Watch While Eating Dinner Thread of Doom." "Fast N' Loud."

I loved "Sell This House." Entertaining show with engaging hosts that had information that was actually relevant to my career. Then the station it was on changed formats. The BBC got greedy with its licensing so Retro only has maybe half the classic "Dr. Who" stories so it's bad enough that I've already seen them all several times since they got the show, but very frustrating when half the stories--and invariably the really good ones--are missing. Quest started out as kind of Discovery Channel but somehow wound up being mostly Bering Sea Pawn Shop Hookers and Story can go down Space Alien Bigfoot Conspiracy rabbit holes sometimes. They also jerk their standard programming around fairly often. Tuesday nights are "American Restoration." half hour shows about a Las Vegas guy who restores just about any cool old stuff. But not always. Anyway, I've also made it through the entire series and the rewatchability isn't that high. It's cool to see them restore a "pennyfarthing" bicycle but once you've seen it you don't really need to watch it again. So I've wound up watching "Fast N' Loud." One minor gripe is that it's an hour show but they've got it programmed in a 2 hour bloc and every build almost always takes 2 episodes, so I sit at the TV longer than I want.

"Fast N' Loud" is a Discovery Channel reality show about a Texas hotrod shop and it is largely entertaining if somewhat formulaic. And at least a little educational if you like fixing up cars. Personally I don't agree with their strategy--lower it so it drags on the pavement and drop in a ridiculously large engine--especially when they'll take a really nice, well maintained, all original car and chuck basically everything but the sheet metal. But it obviously makes them piles of money, so who am I to second-guess.

I mention this because they wrapped the series up last night so I was eager to watch tonight and see what the first season was like (I think it was on for, like, 9 seasons). And it's wild. Everyone's so much younger and the operation is so much smaller. It's like an ordinary garage. If a build gets behind they have to go out and find some cars to flip quick to be able to cover the bills. By the end the place is huge and fancy and there are logos everywhere and a restaurant and concert venue. Monster truck, dragster, merch shop, you name it. But the first season I think some of the logos are done with iron-on transfers and the shop could be your neighbor's place down the block. It's kind of neat, seeing how far they came. One of my gripes about reality shows--even going back to "This Old House" on PBS--is the need to constantly get bigger and top yourself. I remember an early "This Old House" where Bob and Norm were showing how to install fiberglass insulation in garage walls. These days it's off to some shop that will laser cut a custom marble staircase for them or something. Well, should get going.
So the syndication package for "Fast N' Loud" is more fucked up than Retro's current "Dr. Who" deal. They really didn't have any of Season 1 and it looks like we get maybe 2-4 episodes of the early seasons. They show two episodes a night and they're already to the end of Season 4 when they rebooted the cycle 2 days ago.