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Powerful, sad picture




Two cheetah cubs, tied to a thicket fence in eastern Ethiopia, later were confiscated by a government vet. Government vet Fekadu Shiferaw confiscated the 3-month-old cheetahs on Sunday from a restaurant owner in Gode, where they were being forced to fight each other for the amusement of children.
I just don't get the cruelty of some people. I am incapable of doing anything close to such a thing.
"Powerful?" Hey, I like kitty cats as much as the next guy, but there's nothing "powerful" about realizing that they're being mistreated.
Perhaps in your opinion. We all know animals get mistreated but if a picture can stick in your mind and drive that point home then yes, it is a powerful image.
Mentalist said:
Perhaps in your opinion. We all know animals get mistreated but if a picture can stick in your mind and drive that point home then yes, it is a powerful image.

Wordin is only interested in ethics when he can debate them in the mental masteurbatory atmosphere of the ivory tower.
Wordin is only interested in ethics when he can debate them in the mental masteurbatory atmosphere of the ivory tower.

No, I just don't care that much about animals. Making two little cheetas fight each other might be a bit cruel, but it would also be fun to watch! Getting morally outraged about it seems silly to me.

And don't you make a career of masturbating in the ivory tower?
Getting morally outraged at something you believe to be an injustice is an important human characteristic.
Humanity is not something people like Wordin are concerned with. He and his ilk are far more concerned with battering us into submission, and replacing natural, human reactions with ideologically conditioned reactions.

As for my affiliation with the ivory tower, I'm a fifth cokumnist.
Number_6 said:
Humanity is not something people like Wordin are concerned with. He and his ilk are far more concerned with battering us into submission, and replacing natural, human reactions with ideologically conditioned reactions.
Wait just a darn minute there, bro.

Liberals are far more liable to respond to natural, human reactions than conservatives, who are more than eager to shove their self righteousness down your throat.
Friday said:
Wait just a darn minute there, bro.

Liberals are far more liable to respond to natural, human reactions than conservatives, who are more than eager to shove their self righteousness down your throat.

More stupid assumptions, unproven by anything other than feelings.

Get over yourself. Lefties (NOT liberals) have the market on self-righteousness these days.

Quit confusing conservatism with the religious right. We aren't the same beast. The sooner you learn this important fact, the easier time you'll have dealing with reality.
Friday said:
Wait just a darn minute there, bro.

Liberals are far more liable to respond to natural, human reactions than conservatives, who are more than eager to shove their self righteousness down your throat.

An innacurate generalization if ever I heard one.
Mentalist said:
An innacurate generalization if ever I heard one.

This is the way the religious left argues. Same as the religious right.

It's not a political spectrum, but a circle that all but closes in on itself.
Number_6 said:
Humanity is not something people like Wordin are concerned with. He and his ilk are far more concerned with battering us into submission, and replacing natural, human reactions with ideologically conditioned reactions.

As for my affiliation with the ivory tower, I'm a fifth cokumnist.
See, if you read between the lines the "natural human reactions" Number_6 is talking about are things like greed, hate, blood lust, jealousy, etc...

Sex, on the other hand, is not at all natural. But that's a whole different story.
Number_6 said:
This is the way the religious left argues. Same as the religious right.

It's not a political spectrum, but a circle that all but closes in on itself.
I am not religious left, dammit. Say it with me. I know you can do it....

Moderate. Moderate.

Now, doesn't that feel better?
Humanity is not something people like Wordin are concerned with. He and his ilk are far more concerned with battering us into submission, and replacing natural, human reactions with ideologically conditioned reactions.

Specifically, what ideologically conditioned reactions do I want to instill in people? Since you share Mentalist's aversion to inaccurate generalizations, I'm sure you'll be willing to provide some specifics.

Quit confusing conservatism with the religious right. We aren't the same beast. The sooner you learn this important fact, the easier time you'll have dealing with reality.

There are certainly different ideological branches within the conservative movement, but they often support the same politicians. Bush could not have won the last two elections without strong support from the religious right.
WordInterrupted said:
Specifically, what ideologically conditioned reactions do I want to instill in people? Since you share Mentalist's aversion to inaccurate generalizations, I'm sure you'll be willing to provide some specifics.

Oh, we'll be dealing with that shortly, with quotes.

There are certainly different ideological branches within the conservative movement, but they often support the same politicians. Bush could not have won the last two elections without strong support from the religious right.

See, you try to distance yourself from generalizing the right as religious, and then immediately slip up and reflexively engage in that self-same generalization at the end of the attempt.
Hambil said:
See, if you read between the lines the "natural human reactions" Number_6 is talking about are things like greed, hate, blood lust, jealousy, etc...

Actually, those are some of the seven deadly sins you're naming there. Oh, wait -- sin is a religious concept, can't have that. Just illustrates that the left only ever wanted to free people from the yoke of god-worship so they could claim the sheep for themselves. And frankly, if it's down to praying to a god I don't believe in or a government I don't believe in, I'll choose a god every time. After all, god only wants 10% of my money.

Sex, on the other hand, is not at all natural. But that's a whole different story.

Of course sex is natural. Then again, you don't see animals giving each other oral or playing with vibrators or buttplugs, either, so maybe we need to be a little more strict with what we call sex, hmm?