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Private Sector Employees vs Government Employees

SaintLucifer said:

Everything you have stated here is absolutely correct. TAMAR did in fact post illegal information. Why do you think she shat her pants and disappeared after I faked contacting the proper authorities? No wonder the bitch is in a wheelchair. I bet someone beat the living fuck out of her for doing it to them. Snapped her fucking useless spine in two the cunt. There is nothing I abhor more than someone who abuses their positions .

I know. Now she has put a contract out on me for having a "narc" sell information to me about her illegal activities. You see...........I like narcs!!! I could be a narc!!! maybe I was one in a previous life???? who knows??? I try to stay close personal friends with them cause they can come in handy some day.

SaintLucifer said:
People are too fucking stupid to understand when you mess with IPs and the like you are not messing with the person who uses it, you are messing with those who OWN it. Listen up and listen up well people. YOu do not own your IP address. Your ISP does. Learn this fact and learn it well. Reread the contract you signed with your ISP and you would be surprised at how well you are protected.

Do I know that!!!! I have a large, corporate service provider and when I contacted them about my email being hijacked during my divorce........they were the only ones who did anything about it!!!!!!! The FBI didn't do anything, the police didn't, the sheriff didn't, the CIA didn't do anything, the DEA didn't do anything, the IRS wouldn't do anything!!! NONE OF THEM!!!!!! EVEN THOUGH MY ISP TOLD ME TO CONTACT THE FBI AFTER THEY FIXED THE PEEPING TOM'S LITTLE RED WAGON AND WE LET HIM READ ME EMAIL FOR A WHILE.
Tamar_Garish said:
Boy, they have been waiting on that element of suprise for how many years now?

Bang, bang.

hey Tamar..........let me dumb it down a little.........come on down here with the common folk.......perhaps we could teach you sumthin'

This should come as NO surprize to you or anyone else. I have warned all of you over and over and over what was going to happen after I had a false criminal charge brought against me. I have been one of the most fair people you will ever run across considering what has been done to me. None of you have done the right thing, this whole thing is SO WRONG. But I was taught the difference between right and wrong.

You obviously were NOT. I feel sorry for you for that.
The Question said:
Newsflash, bitch -- if you've been convicted, you're a criminal.

..........yes folks. The Question was able to use his government compooter to make me a convicted criminal now. I have to stay on the Down Low..........keep the shades drawn, doors locked, can't go outside till my lawyer straightens this out.


Hi Girl!!!! *Jillian waves to Lilith* I saw up there *points up there to the other fora*.......that you live in Austin!!!! I have heard that is a great place to live!! Big Singles Scene, male/female odds are REAL good!!, an eclectic feel, big music/art scene!!! I was thinking about moving there but some people on this board "outed" me to this guy who probably has a boner to pick with me!! He has a Lear Jet and is real rich and everything and would probably fly down all the time to pester me. You see.........he has been sooooooooooo obsessed with me since finding out from mutual acquaintences that I can suck a golfball through 50 ft of garden hose!!

I don't know why stalkers are so attracted to me!!!!!!!! I'm Ugly, I'm Fat, I have lost all my hair and teeth, myskin is like leather!!!! it has to be the golfball thing.
I tried to get the Secret Service to protect me, but they said I have to become president first.

I'm afraid to go on the campaign trail cause he will probably just fly all around in his Lear Jet following me with that 75 ft hose he is pestering me with.
SaintLEverything you have stated here is absolutely correct. TAMAR did in fact post illegal information. Why do you think she shat her pants and disappeared after I faked contacting the proper authorities? [/Quote said:
hmmmm........well, unfortunately......when she posted mine, it seems some people think she was trying to "out" me to someone who could then target me as a federal informant.

I really am FederalAgent007. *Jillian flashes her badge* You are all under arrest. I will send in the posse later to "get all of you." <-------Jillian got arrested for saying that on a troll board. Will someone call the FBI, CIA, Secret Service, ATF, IRS, NSA, DEA, ARC, PETA and tell them to come over here to look. I said I am going to get you and I have alarmed and annoyed you.


What is your whole point coming down to DayCare to bait me??? You know everything there is to know..............after all, you have been tracking me online for quite some time now.

You people need to get a life, quit acting like kids, grow up, take responsibility for your actions.
FederalAgent007 said:
You people need to get a life, quit acting like kids, grow up, take responsibility for your actions.

Go re-read everything you have posted in daycare over the last few years.

Then come back and we'll talk about the whole growing up, get a life, take responsibility thing.

