Troll Kingdom

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R I P Lady Cop of Mockforums



What are you, 13 and trying to "shock" your elders?

FYI, the pissing on people's graves has been done years before, with the deceased being much closer to ppl in here, and by skilled trolls. And even back then, TK pretty much yawned and went back to business.

Not that I have any problem with you guys embarrassing yourselves, but some of you seem to be a bit touchy when it comes to their bad-ass rep, so I thought I'd let you know. I'm nice like that.

yeah the Techman trolling was much funnier than this
Cow hasn't been around, either.


Cow looks like it was already dead on it's feet.
Yeah, I think he had left even before CU. Haven't seen Darth around in ages, either. :cry:

Cody wouldn't feel embarrassed if you caught him moaning sweet words of everlasting love while being fucked in the ass by his black strap-on wearing grandmother, so..... good point, I guess.

Red, implies something wrong with sexual freedom

Yellow, meaning to condescend based on racial bias

Lime, Ageist

Tell me more about how liberals are accepting and tolerant of people who are different, you hypocritical cunt...
Oh noes... what an asshole I am. Thanks to your constructive criticism I have now become a better human being, more in touch with my e-community. I do now care deeply about Linda's passing and want to erase all my negative comments about her. She was a sweet angel and the world is now a bit less because of her untimely demise.

Why, why, why you evil cancer had to take her away from us all? What would Mock, and the internet in general would do without her wisdom? How will her passing affect the general levels of alcoholic beverages consumption in the US?

All questions that need an answer. I now seek those answers to bring closure. I must now learn to cope with my pain and reflect on my actions.

I will now leave the internets.
@ Cody - lol, nice try.

Problem with your attempt at a comeback is - you get embarrassed about what you, not others, perceive to be wrong.
Jibbles gets it. But then, he ain't so desperate to be seen as a hard-ass, no-holds-barred superior manly man with the funny yet biting humor that his mind is too crowded to let self-knowledge interfere with his attention-whoring.

Hey, this is starting to be fun! Your turn, dearie ;)
@ Cody - lol, nice try.

Problem with your attempt at a comeback is - you get embarrassed about what you, not others, perceive to be wrong.
Jibbles gets it. But then, he ain't so desperate to be seen as a hard-ass, no-holds-barred superior manly man with the funny yet biting humor that his mind is too crowded to let self-knowledge interfere with his attention-whoring.

Hey, this is starting to be fun! Your turn, dearie ;)

Awww, come on, Cody, play along, that pic's just too lame. Give me some more of that "you liberals are hypocrites" stuff, I swear I seriously almost felt tickled there for a second.

Equal Hater said:
I will now leave the internets.
Gosh, you next generation trolls are so sensitive! I was hoping a little feedback would make you try again, do better, aspire to really move your audience, but nooo.
And it looked so promising in the beginning, too. Of course, we all know once lengthy explanations about 'not caring about people on the internet' start, the whole thing is doomed to be mediocre, anyway.

(Please forget about stressing how you were being sarcastic and shit. Your audience already knows. We aren't exactly new to this.)
Were you describing 'Gear or me...? I was too busy cupping my gargantuan seed over flowing meat sack.
lol, you really do love to drop his name randomly, don't you :)
I am pretty sure that when I say "Jibbles", I mean Jibbles, though.

Fairly certain EH has been doing what he does for well over a decade...did you ever consider nobody cares about your opi...
I don't care if EH were the first troll to ever get online. At TK, he is next generation, unless he had a previous account before 2011.
As for nobody caring about my opinion.... dude. The internet. Troll site. Caring about anything. Do we really have to re-enact that lame back and forth?