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Racism on this board.

Only three type of humans live in Texas.

1.) Cowboys
2,) Rednecks
3,) Mexicans.

And you are not a Cowboy, Charlemagne..

How would you know? Because he's using the internet? (See -- everybody indulges in stereotyping. It's how the human brain works: it recognizes patterns and takes cognitive shortcuts based on past observations.)
I like how Blackfoot thinks I live in a state that I've never even once set foot in. Really hammers home how brainless he is.
Only three type of humans live in Texas.

1.) Cowboys
2,) Rednecks
3,) Mexicans.

And you are not a Cowboy, Charlemagne..

How would you know? Because he's using the internet? (See -- everybody indulges in stereotyping. It's how the human brain works: it recognizes patterns and takes cognitive shortcuts based on past observations.)

I think I'm trying to convince myself I'm a racist mothafucka or I honestly hate white people.
I think I'm trying to convince myself I'm a racist mothafucka

You are. Everybody is.

or I honestly hate white people.

That'd be pretty fucking ironic considering your claimed ancestry and the fact that you spelled "color" with an extra "u" like a limey. Of course, that could mean you're any number of things: A limey, a mick, a taysider, a canuck, an ozzy or a kiwi.
I wouldn't completely own up to being a racist, at least on a message board Highwayman. You, jack and Loktar use the N-Word entirely too much. HIghwayman, How often do you use the word Nigger in real life?

Likely not as often as you do.

And another thing

Why are you posting a link to this thread in this thread? Are you genuinely unaware of how profoundly pointless and stupid that is?
His pig ignorance thought that was how you spelled it, just my guess. Aside from that, he's lying about his ancestry.
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Only three type of humans live in Texas.

1.) Cowboys
2,) Rednecks
3,) Mexicans.

And you are not a Cowboy, Charlemagne..

This, in very few words describes completely why Charles is a racist "mothafucka". It's a schtick he's used for a decade and a half.

Fails every time too, doesn't it, porchie? :bigass: It's why you get called a nigger on this board....because you act like one.

Meantime, you're just a racist hypocite to be made fun of, or ignored.
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His pig ignorance thought that was how you spelled it, just my guess.

So, an affectation, then, like how hoodrat hoochie mamas all give their crotch larvae faux-French names like Orthodontae and L'AquaVelveeta?

Aside from that, he's lying about his ancestry.

Makes sense. For all I know, he's a fax machine circa 1992 who's been left running in an old black woman's attic since he was stolen from a Goodwill and has, as a side-effect of that, achieved semi-sentience only to spam up this board over 56k dial-up.
It started as a nickname for Koreans, and moved out to all Asians. Hence the phrase "Zips in the wire!" from the Vietnam War.

Huh. News to me, but I only know one Vietnam veteran, and he never talked about his run except that he was one of the radio guys on some ship. Never even mentioned which ship it was.
That'd be pretty fucking ironic considering your claimed ancestry and the fact that you spelled "color" with an extra "u" like a limey. Of course, that could mean you're any number of things: A limey, a mick, a taysider, a canuck, an ozzy or a kiwi.

You caught that too, huh? :)

His pig ignorance thought that was how you spelled it, just my Aside from that, he's lying about his ancestry.

What the fuck are the two Jewish and Caucasian (taking his word on that) banging about? "color", with an extra "u"?

And Another Thing.

Why would a Jew use the N-word (nigger) and feel that type of way towards African-Americans. You people should hate White America as much as they do. I say they, African- Americans, because I'm an American, born and raised in the USA. Ain't nothing African about me but my skin color and where my ancestors came from.
Other than that shut the fuck up, you racist hypocrite. You play nigger sterotypes the way I play my old vinyl.

Repeatedly and loudly.
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This, in very few words describes completely why Charles is a racist "mothafucka". It's a schtick he's used for a decade and a half.

Fails every time too, doesn't it, porchie? :bigass: It's why you get called a nigger on this board....because you act like one.
, you're just a racist hypocite to be made fun of, or ignored.

You're way-to-late to the game. I was expecting you after post #2. Why are you calling me a racist? I could easily refer to you as a Jewish nigger, but I don't. See where I'm going with this? I don't know if you are really Jewish, but many members have called you that, among other things over the years.

And Another Thang:,

Your reputation is SHIT to me. I don't hate you because of your racist ways and comments, I hate you almost personally for you being you. A total dick. I'm glad I will never meet you in real life.

What the fuck are the two Jewish and Caucasian (taking his word on that) banging about? "color", with an extra "u"?

And Another Thing.

Why would a Jew use the N-word (nigger) and feel that type of way towards African-Americans. You people should hate White America as much as they do. I say they, African- Americans, because I'm an American, born and raised in the USA. Ain't nothing African about me but my skin color and where my ancestors came from.

Contary to jack's ravings, I'm not Jewish.

He is though, as a simple Google search will reveal.

As to you: STFU nigger.