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"Racism" -the new cultural terrorism

Mentalist said:
I don't agree. The spiteful bullying and words used were racist and if a Black/Indian/Orion had said the alternative to -or behind the back- of a white person on the show I believe their would have been outrage as well.

I disagree. The examples of "minorities" publicly saying egregiously "racist" things that no white person would be allowed to say are so numerous that I don't think I need to provide a list. Simply watch any episode of the Chapelle Show or any stand up routine by Chris Rock or virtually any public statement by Spike Lee to draw your own conclusion as to the veracity of my assertion.

I will go as far to say that I think the outrage may have been slightly less pronounced but then we do have a history of race violence against minorities, and retaliation against minorities is a very real problem.

"We"? Speak for yourself. I've never done anything to harm any negro or other breed of non-white, and I don't owe "minorities" anything. Nor should I be expected to walk on eggshells because the culturally marxist high priests of multiculturalism insist upon the collective guilt of white poeple everywhere.

If you just look at things in such a monochrome way then you are neglecting certain factors that come into play in any unique situation.

Sometimes things are black and white.

Blair addressed the issue quickly in the House of Commons because it is becoming a serious debate over whether such things should be broadcast and whether OFCOM should act against C4.

Blair addressed it because he's a slave to the ideology of the multiculturalist left. He's a collectivist who believes in the collective guilt of all white people for the crime of being white and creating a superior culture and civilization. He's a leftist pussy.

I do think that it has taken in a life of its own and is moving outside of itself but the initial reaction is a valid one and those three chav whores deserve no defending for their sheer ignorance.

I'm assuming your term "chav" stands for "chauvinist", and that you use the term to disparage. In America we have similar terms, such as "trailer trash" and "cracker" - denigrating epithets that can be hurled at white pople with impugnity without the fear of being called "racist".

Do you not see how this simply reiterates my point?

At the end of the day mud people should show their white leaders gratitude. It was us who brought Law to their lands of thier savage ancestors.
In america, most minority violence is perpetrated by the minorities themselves.

White on black violence is incredibly rare and over-hyped in the media. Black on white violence and black on black violence is reported simply as violence in the minority category.
Gawd :roll: In the US, if a white person so much as looks at a black person wrong you're asking for an ass kicking and a Johnny Cochran style civil suit not to mention the media circus and a visit to your city from Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton...The two biggest racists on the planet.

"Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton--Making the KKK look tolerant"

I remember when cops in my city shot some crackhead black girl sitting in her car with a gun on her lap. Al Sharpton and frickin' Tootie from Facts of Life tried marching on my city's city hall. Oooooh it was so funny right up until someone informed Tootie and Al that it was two black cops that shot the black girl. I LOVE IT! And then there was the time that Louis Shakkakahn Frarrakahn Didi Cahn was invited to speak at the University, he got shot at by a black muslim, it was funny.