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IOW, "Millennials aren't trending conservative because Millennials are trending conservative."

Wrong, asshole. A = A. Millennials are trending conservative = Millennials are trending conservative. Ignore that, though, because as long as you continue to ignore that fact, that fact will continue to destroy your idols in election after election. So by all means, don't acknowledge it. Acknowledging it might start you on the path to doing something about it.

Young people 3x more likely to switch from R to D than the other way around. A full quarter of young Republicans have left the party since Trump took over the party.

Young people 3x more likely to switch from R to D than the other way around. A full quarter of young Republicans have left the party since Trump took over the party.

Wow, I haven't seen statements like that since the night Trump got elected. :rolleyes:

Here's a zinger:

Those who study politics have long known that a person’s party affiliation is a strong predictor of how they will vote and what their opinions will be on most political issues.

Well, no shit Captain Obvious.

Looks like another waste of money from schmexperts who jockey figures in order to justify their salaries.
Wow, I haven't seen statements like that since the night Trump got elected.

Yup. They had all the polls for a cocoon then, too, and all it did was leave them in shock when all that shit went up in smoke. And if Ancalagon here is any indication, they learned fuck-all from it, and it's going to totally blindside them again. Idiots.
Yup. They had all the polls for a cocoon then, too, and all it did was leave them in shock when all that shit went up in smoke. And if Ancalagon here is any indication, they learned fuck-all from it, and it's going to totally blindside them again. Idiots.

There's a predilection in American politics, and Democrats in particular, to embrace an idea and push it until it's legislated or accomplished and damn the future consequences. In this case, it's "get Trump out of office at all costs."
Democrats in general suck.They may think they mean well, but the truth is, they tiptoe around, afraid to not be PC enough, in mortal fear of offending anyone. Not saying Republicans are any better. Both parties suck.

You have to make your choices about who you want to lead based on facts, not fantasy. I ignore the daily tweetstorms, because he's completely full of shit, as are the rest of them.

I'm for tearing it all down and starting over. Again, that's just my opinion, but it would be interesting to see some more new faces and ideas in our leadership.
Same here. I looked into the Libertarian Party, and that looked good until it became apparent that their open borders policy is simply untenable, at least IMHO. I do consider myself a libertarian, but that party is far more Anarchist in nature than I, as a Minarchist, like.

IMHO, government does have some legitimate functions; dispute resolution, modest consumer protections (as in protecting consumers from adulterated/mislabeled products, not protecting us from our own adult choices) and providing for the common defense. Integral, perhaps even central, to that last function is the establishment and defense of effective borders for the purpose of screening and interdiction of external bad actors.
^ That's about exactly it. I've considered myself a small L libertarian since the mid to late 80s, but I don't like the party at all. Pretty much everything is shitfucked now, so I don't really even like voting at all anymore.

Edit: Addendum. Local stuff is still important and that seems to be where a vote can make a difference. Though it gets more silly the farther you go up the chain.
Agreed. At the local level, a vote matters. As you get higher up the strata of politics, however, the big money decides who even makes it to 'candidate' status, weakening the vote more the farther up the chain it goes. The saying "vote the bums out" sure does feel good, but it's largely negated by the fact that you're just voting in a new crop of bums beholden to the same sponsors with the same agenda.

Which is why, venturing into contentious territory now, the establishment hates Trump with the white hot fury of a thousand suns. He wasn't one of the sponsored picks. Nobody was supposed to vote for him, but we sidestepped and put him in office anyway. They hate him for not being one of their bought pets, and they hate us for voting in a way they didn't expect or want us to.