I'm not wearing any panties!!
If I recall correctly, and it's been a quarter century so cut me some slack... but there was a more serious clampdown going on over there after the linked threads. TK was around at the time but became more popular after some of us *ahem* advocated for anarchy. The very thought of mentioning TK was banworthy for awhile, I think. But, as Para says, different times. Certainly NOTHING like the Skin/Sardy stuff would fly over there anymore, not even for 30 seconds.
I obviously come at this with WF tinted glasses but there was a big ‘TNZer’ crackdown where any of us TNZ regulars who said anything the bit argumentative outside of TNZ would be warned for trolling.
Eventually they decided to come in to TNZ and start cracking down there and that is how we got WF.