Big Dick McGee said:It is indeed Will Ferrell from the classic SNL sketch "Behind the Music: Blue Oyster Cult. (Damn, no umlaut??)
It's also known as the "more cowbell" sketch, and features a hilarously deadpan Christopher Walken as "legendary" music producer Bruce Dickinson. You can check it out here: I need more cowbell!!
Big Dick McGee said:Who cares if he spoke off the fucking record?? What he said IS THE MOTHERFUCKING TRUTH!
God, you fucking Liberal Democrats really piss me off sometimes. You're more concerned with propriety and "looking good" than with a President who actually speaks his mind and sticks to his guns. Keep it up, you'll never be in power again.
The Question said:Asses Of Fire.
Big Dick McGee said:Clinton all but called Jesse Jackson a Black Alabam Porch Monkey once!