Um... what?HeroicFool said:LOL!!!
And that proves to me just how ignorant you are of world events.
The leftist media has from the start been erroneously calling the terrorists in Iraq insurgents. That you think these are Iraqi freedom fighters fighting the good fight of a patriot against the evil USA is just too fucking funny for words.
No problem.HeroicFool said:LOL, sorry Hambil
Classic. I didn't change my "scenario". You misinterrupted a fairly straight forward comment. And of course you don't want to indulge it, you position is indefensible.HeroicFool said:I could once again indulge you in your scenario now that you've changed it
So then, why do you need the guns again?HeroicFool said:You uh.. completely skipped over the part of my post that pointed out that such a thing would never take place in the first place.
Too logical for you little guy?
Here's something else to chew on then...
Illegal orders do NOT have to be obeyed by any member of the military. Combat with citizens of the USA by the armed forces of the USA is illegal as it gets.
If such a scenario could ever take place it might be worth the time to debunk it, but until then it's just as usefull to plan the eventual takeover of Never-Neverland. (from Peter pan, not the ranch)![]()
So, let me see if I have the correct. They will never turn on us so the fact that our guns aren't a match for theirs is irrelevent. However, we need guns that aren't effective in order to keep them from turning on us?HeroicFool said:Aren't we going in circles here?
Is it too difficult to scroll back and read my reply to that question the first time you asked it?
The US military will never attack the citizens of the US, but without the ability of a people to rise up against oppressors then Tyranny is inevitable. If there is no threat from the masses then the masses have no choice no matter how ridiculous the government's demands but to comply.
Slavery anyone?
It won't happen overnight, but it will happen, a basic understanding of human nature should tell you that.
Down another rabbit hole. The claim that guns deter crime or are an effective defense has never been supportable. There are a lot of vague statisics and posturing on the flood of internet pro-gun sites, but no real evidence. What we read in the paper every day is of people being shot by bad guys, not bad guys being shot by citizens.Personal defense also is a very good reason to have firearms. Of course you're a lib so you'd just sit back and invite someone to rape and/or kill your wife and/or daughter or perhaps go to the phone and dial 911 and wait for the government to bail you out.
Good luck with that.
Pictures, please.Hambil said:And I have a 12" penis.
Ah yes, the right to defend myself argument. Okay, then, invoking my right to defend myself - since guns are dangerous and I could be killed by one I want them banned. I have the God given, freedom born right to do so, because I'm only defending myself.HeroicFool said:We shouldn't have to fight since it is fact a right we are born with
For starters, a gun is not a defensive weapon. In addition, the police would still have guns. Beyond that, a gun is not a drug that can be grown in a field. It requires manufacture, which makes it much easier to keep out of the hands of criminals.HeroicFool said:Dipshit, you comprehended not a word i said.
Ban guns all you want, criminals will still have guns, and even better no one will be able to defend themselves legally.
Yay criminals!!!
More classic bs. Because I do not agree I must not understand. What's next, saying it louder?HeroicFool said:Dipshit, you comprehended not a word i said.