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RIP Steve Jobs 1955-2011

Donovan has a complex guilt construct he's working against so the death of a popular figurehead represents an opportunity that just can't be passed up.
Not so much. Hero worship is not in my wheelhouse, respect for innovative thinkers is. Jobs just happens to be one of those minds I admired when he was breathing, and that hasn't changed just because he croaked.
I got a blackberry because the sales lady had nice ( . Y . ) (shut up, I'm being honest. Goddamn cleavage is my kryptonite) and I've regretted it ever since. Touchscreen is glitchy as hell, pisspoor app features, anything resembling a regular website lags like hell and it turns into a little hot rock if you talk on the phone for half an hour.


hahaha I just think people who value their iphones more than the child 'workers' who make them for u!!!
I honestly hope u all starve to death!! But I'm sure u won't mind as long as u have ye iphones! fuckheads
Poverty, famine & war is avoidable & is created by greedy rulers; to those who say it is an act of God, follow the same logic as karma & caste systems, which serve to ignore the issue, perpetuate injustice & prevent any form of intervention & is just as criminal as those greedy rulers.
While grain rots in silos, vaccines go out of date, all manner of waste is accepted & millions suffer from preventable causes, those with wealth are far more concerned with inventing excuses for their support of wasteful systems rather than using their voice to condemn such atrocities commited against our fellow man.
Refusing to accept this as normal is not wrong, speaking out should not be condemned.
It is a measure of the corruption of humanity that the message conveyed in this image is argued.

Do you have proof, you cunt? If not, then shut the fuck up.

Granted, Steve Jobs was the biggest thief the world has ever seen, when one considers what he charges for his fucking computers. I was browsing computers today, and I was astonished at what they are charging for them Absolute bullshit, especially when one considers the components are no different from those found in a PC. The ONLY DIFFERENCE between a PC and a Mac would be the fucking OS. Anyone who purchases a Mac is a complete moron.