Lots of refugees here in my country. If a fucking nigger, chink or paki seeks to live in Canada but refuses to wait in line like everyone else, they scream "REFUGEE" once they reach our soil whereupon they are granted free medicare, free housing, free cash. As a result, Canada has become the laughingstock of the world when it comes to immigration. I have written my MP that the fuckers be sent back from whence they came at their home country's expense. Were I to gain power in this country as a fascist, I would have kicked them out through the use of force. If they attempt to go into hiding, I would deem that enough to bring about the death penalty. If they are found, a bullet would meet them between the eyes. Simple. After the first such death, no one will be attempting to reach our shores any further, unless they have a fucking death wish. FASCISM RULES!!