Mrs. Big Dick McGee
I have a little tear in my eye...I am such a chick.
Sardonica said:Wow, Cait. I am so sorry to hear that.How old was he? I couldn't even imagine...
I think I speak for the majority of TK when I say that we'd really prefer to see this in a strictly GAY way...! :bigass:
Caitriona said:He died 4 days before his 15th birthday.
Number_6 said:There is such a thing as decorum. Even in times as trying as these, we need to preserve a sense of decorum. Perhaps particularly in times as trying as these, we need to preserve a sense of decorum.
Eggs Mayonnaise said:Cait, I can't even begin to express the logjam of feelings. I will say that we share being blue on Sep. 6th every year, since that was also my late parents' wedding anniversary...I admire your strength, grace, and overall wonderfulness.
Ah yes, that's the crux of the administration's stance: fuck the Bill of Rights, there's a war going on for some reason, the reason gets fuzzier as time goes by but TRUST US, the reason that will go into the history books will come once we clear it through the lawyers. In the meantime, sit down, shut up and don't ask questions.
Oh, and we're reading your email and tapping your phone because you have a beard, even though you're Irish. And we saw you carrying a backpack on the corner of 6th and 23rd with the traffic camera. But don't worry, once we let you out of holding in a month you'll know the system works to keep you safe from Osama...Osama...what was his name again, it's been so long...