Someone's either having themselves some fun or genuinely has a centipede in the ass:
I logged in yesterday to find about a dozen pics in both albums deleted, w/ the typcial "violated our tos" dickstickers instead. I couldn't be arsed to try and track down the pics in question (a task made harder by me when I scrambled the original filenames) & attempt to replace them --a ploy that's enjoyed some mixed success in the past. But I found it incredibly amusing that all the images deleted were in
one unbroken sequence, i.e. the last several images uploaded in each album, which indicates that little-to-no consideration was given as to content for each individual image --there's just no way ALL of them could have warranted deletion. Someone is being a cock, pure & simple.
Since I find myself feeling, in my old age, increasing regret at letting opportunities to take the piss out of those who deserve it slip away, I constructed a proportionate response, and replaced the PB filenames with such:
Then I came here and discovered one pic farther up this page was one of the censored. And that my de-censor worked.
It might keep for a day or two, if I'm lucky. Maybe I'll repost it from Imageshack once they're on to it...
Either way: Message delivered.