CoyoteUgly said:Batista was...that's what started the ball rolling. Eddie was dead, and will be for quite some time.
Angle didn't have the belt taken off of him...he lost it because of shithouse booking on Long's part. It should have been Angle vs. Orton, but for some reason Rey got shoved back in the mix.
And don't say it's because Rey is so popular. Rey is riding the memory of Eddie Guererro...a real champion. Whose name are the fans chanting when Rey's wrestling?
Long doesn't do the booking. Rey is riding the memory of Guerrero, because that's how the Office chose him to be representing. They pick the story lines, and have shoved it down our throats that 'EDDIE' = 'REY', nobody else. If that's how you see it, you're a victim of their lazy booking & storywriting.
Rey is popular in his own right. Like Eddie before him, they have not allowed him to be his own champion with shitty storyline & booking. Eddie's run was killed off by endless matches with the dead weight that is JBL, before eventually jobbing because the bookers felt he wasn't fitting their view of a champion.
Would anyone say that of him now? Same with Rey. Wrestling is in a strange niche - it asks you to believe the unbelievable, but it is failing that with Rey's booking.