Where to begin..
Another entire episode hijacked by the Michael Burnham crying hugging show. Try working on some of the other fucking characters. Why does Suru pick Tilly as a first officer? Because of the one time she stood there last week and said Michael is a naughty? Do we really think this will be the making of her? I mean, I hope so, but do people who lack that much confidence go that way in real life? Very rarely.
The new Not Vulcan turns out to be ditchwater dull. The OMG ANCIENT VULCAN RITUAL turns out to be ditchwater, and three flat characters just stand there and wiggle eyebrows for a bit until Michael DOES BIG EMOSH BIG BIG EMOSH and once again everyone gets bleary eyed and hug each other.
I did pick up on the USS Yelchin immediately, though as this entirely soulless and devoid-of-any-gravitas series plods on, there's every chance that the writing will turn out to be far more fucking damaging than 'The Burn' - which let's face it, sounds too much like the consequence of eating a hot curry than anything else.
I do still like Suru though. His character, and the actor's physical work really makes him feel like a proper Trek character, and there's certainly barely any of those running around in this show.