Jack, dearest, I imagine his BMI is somewhere between 25 and 27. I haven't asked him how much he weighs or exactly how tall he is. He could lose a few pounds, maybe 10 or 15. Something most people learn as they get older - what is on the exterior doesn't matter nearly as much as what is on the interior. That being said, I find him physically attractive. He is very tall and is kind of handsome in my opinion. I also like very much that he cooks, cleans, does his own laundry, loves going to the movies, is a voracious reader, is a talented artist, we have a similar sense of humor, and we in general like spending time together. Even better is he is the kind of guy I don't have to worry about what he is doing when I'm not looking at him. The only bad thing about him at this point is he works outside most of the day so he isn't interested in doing outdoor things so much when he is off work. I can understand that - I sit in a cold office all day and he is out in this Texas heat. However, he doesn't get bent out of shape because I'm going to go do things outside with my friends even though he isn't going. I like that too.
You say you weigh 152. At your height, that makes your BMI 32, which is grossly obese. That doesn't matter as much as a) your memory isn't what you think it is, b) your analytical skills are worse than your memory, and c) you don't keep your promises.