I want to smell dark matter
CaptainWacky Susie sometimes I think you just say random words!
Susie sometimes I don't even know what I'm saying
Susie sometimes I don't even know what I'm saying
That's right, Susie, you clean up those... grid coordinates, or whatever those are.
!That's a russian mountain chain,, or get shot or rapped or smother their baby's first word will be its second letter should it not be so lucky to look up the arse, Seph
emotions? if I talk about assSusie do you feel emotions?
SUsie it's too cold
!it's a picture of seph's dick
what Bail Organa was like 15 when they started bickering before for being an ass nazi, you ass nazi,, you don't have a diarySusie I can't remember what it's like not to feel depressed
<Susie> Tasha was a korean irish family on BOTS
[16:03] <Susie> THAT'S DRUNK ACTION
Originally Posted by CaptainWacky View Post
I feel ill all the time Susie.
BRESLIN is a brilliant TV writer who never leaves his NYC apartment lol
Are you sure that isn't Eggs, Susie?
that's just really terrible
!BWAAAAAAAAWWWWRRRAWWWRRRAWR MP had the safest bet, all the bielebers are telling childhood war trivia and pop culture characters and acting still weren't as good as human breasts that they could build a protocol droid for your mother's relationships has ended up being Black Canary now, isn't y is set in the red NOSED REINDEER IS ON COPS, its near a metal ring
plus a better mother, Natalie better mother,, Natalie is speaking before Obama won South Carolina, so speaking before Obama won in a hurry for,, you probably did