16:41Dr_DaveShould they be setting fires during a government shutdown?
16:46CaptainWackysusie fires
16:46Susiefires caused by people with large breasts
Dr_DaveSusie, that's not what typicially starts fires.
16:46Susiewhat we should totally have sex with John Barrowman
16:46Dr_DaveHe's not my type Susie.
16:46SusieHe's into gingers without facing the same universe but like 80 years
643 PM‹Dr_Dave›Susie do you like gin?
643 PM‹Susie›gin? and juice
16:56CaptainWackysusie cats
16:56Susie cats stay inside and freezed and moan so people are saying is that why you're my favourite Cassie
Does Susie plan to live forever like Riker?