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The Days when People were Proud to be Americans

Oops, we are starting to derail a meaningful TK thread again.

Think I should post some Third Reich propaganda material in order to get it on the right track again?
Cool! I never thought the whereabouts were that well-hidden, anyway. Be that as it may, Fourth Reich still has to wait until Third Reich has finished the promised 1000 years of reign. Protocols do have to be followed, after all.

Careful lyou don't make St.L cum in his bigboy pants.
Ugh, now that's something I really don't want.

(psst, I was just bs'ing. I am prohibited by law to post stuff like that. Even if I made a disclaimer and whatnot.)
Third Reich has finished the promised 1000 years of reign. Protocols do have to be followed, after all.





Much more than a promise. Really more of a carbon copy, almost word for word.
With God on our side who can stand against us?
If it wasn't for those ex-pat German scientists we wouldn't have a space program to dismantle.
Yeah, we sent them over on purpose to make your government spend trillions of dollars for space junk so they won't by chance finance something useful, like, I dunno, HEALTHCARE or shit like that. Nobody wants a nation happy to live by itself and not cripple itself by engaging in wars, because where would be the fun in that?!

(Yeah, I was serious upthread. And whoa is right. Don't get me started on that. I am quite willing to bend law as I see fit, but that's really trouble I don't wanna invoke.)
Glad to see y'all adopted our limited universal free speech model.

I'm going to play Lucifer's Advocate and wonder aloud if part of the clandestine purpose of 'The War' was to 'gather unto Caesar' the only personnel truly able to apply the theories of the time. Culled from a group who'd already shown a willingness to totally depart contemporary Western views and apply Draconian sensibility to the practice of organized pursuit of goals.
If not the purpose, then it sure was a very welcome effect. The beautiful irony lies in the fact that with their racist ideology, the Nazis killed or drove away exactly the intelligentsia that they would have needed to possibly win the war and secure the Reich.
The US sure knew how to put the scientific knowledge fallen into its hands to good use while at the same time priding itself on saving many people from persecution and death (and forgetting the fact that same persecution as well as the existence of KZ's were known and tolerated by the allies quite a while before they entered the war).

But I am preaching to the choir here.
Of course I agree. However it's the 'fallen into its hands' part I feel curious about.

We're just so darn lucky...
Of course I agree. However it's the 'fallen into its hands' part I feel curious about.

We're just so darn lucky...
Germany is probably (along with France and England) going to survive the coming Eurocost. It's an interesting model that's just about to play itself out.

Where was Nero when Athens burned?
Too big to fail?

No, not like that. They've been painfully smart through all this.

Yknow I just hear that we're managing our debt crises just fine in this mess, because we won't default, we'll just print more dollars.

Jesus. Fucking. Christ.