Troll Kingdom

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My board (THE KINGDOM OF BLACKFOOT) is fucking driving my ass up a wall and back. I actually have 37 members registered there. I can only view 3 when I go on as a guest. I can't view my custom board when viewing as a guest. I think I have them hidden and I can not find the function to change that. Is a fucking mess. I have 10 boards that you have to be a member to view and post. Shit! I can't even re-size my pics on the front page.

Nigga caint even run his own shit L'OL

Duz U mean U dun gone ova there an POOPT on dat shiz!

Yo CEE JAY homie dats B wut we callz "JUST DESSERT'S" nigga!

U know wut "JUST DESSERT'S" B, rite nigga?

Dat's B like when yo mammy go 2 da GROSS-ry sto'! An den she cum bakk n U all like, "Mammy! Mammy! Didjoo buys sum FOOD dis time!"

N she go, "NAW, little nigga-azz NIGGA! JUST DESSERT'S!"


"SHUT cho li'l NIGGA azz up an GIT cho li'l NIGGA azz down 2 da corna! U knowz wut choo can git a MOUF ful of, li'l HOE-ass NIGGA!"




Forums at THE KINGDOM OF BLACKFOOT that is only viewable as a member: I have The Swamp, The PorkChopHouse, Venookers Corner, Omnisexuals (gay or not), Did Kevin Really say that?, and much- much more. :bigass:...Including photo shopped pics of jack that we can't post at Troll Kingdom :bigass:.


Board Offline.
Terms of Service Violation.

How easy was that? :bigass:
Forums at THE KINGDOM OF BLACKFOOT that is only viewable as a member: I have The Swamp, The PorkChopHouse, Venookers Corner, Omnisexuals (gay or not), Did Kevin Really say that?, and much- much more. :bigass:...Including photo shopped pics of jack that we can't post at Troll Kingdom :bigass:.


Looks like the laughs are on you :bigass:
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