I want to smell dark matter
Thought I'd watch this since the internet seems to be wathcing it. I haven't played the game, have little knowledge of it and don't care about adaptation changes, meaning I can judge this as a tv show on its own. As a first episode it was solid. Not blowaway great or anything, but a good enough first episode of tv. The sequence in 2003 with them trying to escape, ending with his daughter's death, was the best part. My concern with the 2023 stuff is it's likely to go all "the real monster was MAN" and that all feels very familiar after The Walking Dead but maybe that's my fault for watching TWD for ten seasons or whatever. The part at the end where he attacked the army guy really didn't need the flashback to his daughter's death because we just saw that half an hour ago and they should have just trusted the audience to remember. I'll watch more.