CaptainWacky I want to smell dark matter Jan 7, 2006 #1 No PARTICULAR reason ABOVE ALL OTHERS that I'm starting this thread right now.
Mentalist Administrator Staff member Jan 7, 2006 #2 I'm here, I'm geared for the onslaught and I can see this thread going for a home run.
CaptainWacky I want to smell dark matter Jan 7, 2006 #9 This is where the "duplicate posts" thing ruins our fun.
Harkley CUSTOM TITLE?!?! WHEEEE Jan 7, 2006 #10 DAMN YOU SMART BOARD SOFTWARE!!! DAMN YOUU Oh dear. Oh dear oh dear.
Mentalist Administrator Staff member Jan 7, 2006 #12 I did the 'to me, to you' gag the other day implosiong universe teh dwapkoa chuckle chuckele vidsioonel
I did the 'to me, to you' gag the other day implosiong universe teh dwapkoa chuckle chuckele vidsioonel
Harkley CUSTOM TITLE?!?! WHEEEE Jan 7, 2006 #13 I saw the other thread, and it made me feel like a copy cat. That makes me sad inside.
Ishcabittle New member Jan 8, 2006 #15 Ok, here's one cool thing about the prequels... if someone says they honest and truly loved Episode One I know enough to avoid them.
Ok, here's one cool thing about the prequels... if someone says they honest and truly loved Episode One I know enough to avoid them.
SilentBtViolent Rape Ape Jan 8, 2006 #17 Mentalist said: I honestly loved Episode I. Click to expand... And this is why I'm avoiding you. Invite me to the gay bathouse all you want, I'm not going because you liked Episode I and I am therefore avoiding you.
Mentalist said: I honestly loved Episode I. Click to expand... And this is why I'm avoiding you. Invite me to the gay bathouse all you want, I'm not going because you liked Episode I and I am therefore avoiding you.
Ishcabittle New member Jan 8, 2006 #20 Allright, there were bits of Ep. 1 that I liked. The Podrace, Darth Maul, um... the four part climax... um. That's about it, I guess. There were enough things wrong, however (Jar Jar, little Annie, CGI gluttony) that made me end up selling my copy back to the store. It's not like it isn't going to be all over cable in a couple years.
Allright, there were bits of Ep. 1 that I liked. The Podrace, Darth Maul, um... the four part climax... um. That's about it, I guess. There were enough things wrong, however (Jar Jar, little Annie, CGI gluttony) that made me end up selling my copy back to the store. It's not like it isn't going to be all over cable in a couple years.