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Thread to discuss the relative merits of the Star Wars prequels

Jar Jar is funny. When I was looking for that screen cap for Wacky the other day I was watching a bit of the end battle and Jar Jar was making me laugh out loud.

I admit to not being impressed with him at first but I think it has to be something to do with the LEVEL of hate that he has attracted. George Lucas is a genius. Jar Jar is a comedy master.
Here's the thing:

I saved my last tab of yellow gel to drop for episode one. I was all pumped up... i bought my ticket with MovieFone! (which sucks, btw) and drove to the theater only to find that I had purchased a ticked for 12:01PM and not 12:01AM like I thought.

Stupid time and the way it works.

So I hang my head, figure I'll just watch the Mummy instead (I just drove an hour). I start to come up, buggin' and shit, and by the time the movie end's I'm trippin' balls, all dissappointed. The Mummy lets out, I'm heading out, and the theater next to me shows, "12:01AM - *no movie title*" I walk in, narrowly avoid the ushers, and jump into the last seat in the front row.

The audience is fucking pumped. "STAR WARS!!!" some random dude yells at the top of his lungs. The "Star Wars" splash makes everyone jump, and expectations are high.

And in the end, that's what kinda killed it, our expectations. Perhaps they were too high, maybe the prequels could and would never live up to the OT. Alls I knows is that if given the choice of any star wars movie to watch, I'll pick something from the OT any day.
I went to see ATOC on mushrooms. Dropped about 5 grams and tripped out the whole way through. It was awesome.
But now that you have lower expectations you can rewatch the prequels and appreciate them for what they are. BONC!
I think Ep 2 was the worst. I didn't really dig one, but that horrible romance crap...

It was like watching mannequins make out. Remember the dance sequence?

Here is a screen cap:

But there was that cool Obi Wan detective type story, that was cool...

That's what's so gut wrenching about all of the star wars flicks... there are super cool parts in each film, but there are also the super SUPER cheesy moments. Moments that you wish just weren't in there. So you love the film, but you are distracted by it's flaws...

Meh... it's not like there's a absolutely perfect film out there, there are always little details that could have been better. (IMHO)
Honestly though, Mentalist, is there anything you would change? Anything at all?

The individualistic nature of man pretty much dictates that there will never be a perfect film for everyone.

Wait, fuck, I forgot Armageddon. My bad.
If Hayden had said and worn less throughout, I might have liked them more.

Also, it's silly to hire Ewan and not show his willie. He'll do it at supermarkets fer chrissakes.
I'd have added a Jedi boy's summer camp with a swimming hole and lots of late night talks during lights-out.

Did I say boys? I meant 18+ teen males, proof of age on file.
Mentalist said:

So this has already been hashed out... the end, if the movie entertains you, then it's as perfect as it needs to be. I can be quite an art snob, I admit, so don't take anything I post to seriously.

*small man rushes out of the corner, whispers in Ish's ear, rushes away*

I've just been informed that this is the Internet, and nobody's taking anything seriously. Well done, one step ahead, I see.
Once and for all...

There are only three Star Wars movies: Star Wars (no freakin "A New Hope! :rwmad: ), The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi.

No other Star Wars movies were ever made. Oh, there have been attempts at prostituting the good name of Star Wars, but I don't count them.

Got it? :D
I'm continually amazed that people actually take the time to form opinons on this topic. No sarcasm at all. I'm truly amazed.
Friday said:
Once and for all...

There are only three Star Wars movies: Star Wars (no freakin "A New Hope! :rwmad: ), The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi.

No other Star Wars movies were ever made. Oh, there have been attempts at prostituting the good name of Star Wars, but I don't count them.

Got it? :D

ROTJ is not as good as ROTS. END OF.

I'm continually amazed that people actually take the time to form opinons on this topic. No sarcasm at all. I'm truly amazed.

It's not unusal BG. You have to see it from the other side of the glass though. There are many things that I could care less about that people rave about and love ect. This is no different. It's not your scene, that's cool, but for a lot of us it is. Yeah, it's geeky and stupid and they are movies filled with muppets and then 16 years later CGI muppets but they mean something to us. And it (for us) is something we find enjoyment in discussing.

I am quite aware how odd it seems.