Troll Kingdom

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TK: Quite sad

I agree with what you had to say above. However, I wish you had the balls to support me a few days ago when I made this post and I had my skull virtually bashed in by what passes for the "TK conformity police":

Perhaps you were blinded by your own misguided dogmatic philosophy that all n00bs are intrinsically insignificant and thus deserves disdain. No matter. I happen to agree with your original post in this thread. Lately, the only way I have been able to read TK for more than 2 seconds at a time is when I have taken my anti-vomiting medication. I am sick and tired of the fluff. Get fuckin real, people!!!1

(And yes I agree with you that Bladev1 is a cool addition. No fluff there whatsoever)
I have an idea for a thread-bumping mission. But I will continue to read this thread whether I post in it again or not.
S. SaDiablo said:
Okay, you want a "defense?" Well, here's mine even though I'm sure you'll respond with "Too long, didn't read."
That's actually the sort of behavior I've seen from your crowd.

What is it you want from TK exactly? A hive of trolls who do nothing but bicker, flame, swear, insult and troll one another? What's the point, honestly?
Spoken like someone truly oblivious.
If you got rid of every member you disliked, how many would be left? 10? If that's the case, start your own board and invite those posters over. Or if you really hate TK, or at least the members, is it really worth your time? I'm not suggesting you leave, I'm just saying there's other boards that might be more to your liking...
^This is exactly what I'm talking about, people.

You need to find the other board, not I.

Sure, I'll admit my posts may not contain a great level of intelligence, but my intention when I joined was to have fun and hopefully get the people around me to have fun, too. In my opinion, I have been pretty successful so far and will contine to do so. So what if I'm not a mean, hateful, bitter person? Deal with it. I can contribute as much here as any member.
This is such a false dichotomy. No one is asking you to be a terrible person.

Any of the people on your list are worthy contributors, in fact. Think about it. How is your "I have big plans for this thread" (forgive me if that is not the correct title, I did not look it up) any more important then my "attention whore" thread. Both are pretty pointless, IMO, but how's that different than most of the stuff in Speak Freely.
I don't pump them out by the dozen.
Speaking of pointless...You have people like Luci running around who fits the above description; constantly negative, flames, trolls, etc etc and yet people hate him for it. So again, I ask, what is it that you want?
Talk about a strawman.
The way I see it is life is pretty damn stressful and serious most of the time anyway; why does a message board have to be too?
This is not one of those boards.

Jesus wept.
But, you k'now, I'm not saying you shouldn't do any of those things. Flame and troll to your heart's content. I'm not stopping you nor have I ever criticized anyone's behavior. Go for it. You do your thing, I'll do mine.

So the way I see it you have many options here:

1. Continue whining about it and accomplish nothing.
Sounds good to me, although it's not whining. I think I addressed this in the first post....

2. Put us on Ignore if you hate us so much. That's what it is there for.
Ignore lists are nothing but an escape. I'm not putting people on my ignore list because almost everyone is capable of making excellent posts (Luci I keep off to torment in DC.)

3. Just ignore us, simple as that. Don't read our "vanity" posts.
I don't. And that certainly isn't the situation in its entirety.

That's all for now. Where's that "Internet - Serious Fucking Business" picture when you need it...?
Very well.

My name was on your list. Did you mean a different Shatna?
It still wasn't addressed at you.

keekeen said:
I agree with what you had to say above. However, I wish you had the balls to support me a few days ago when I made this post and I had my skull virtually bashed in by what passes for the "TK conformity police":
Yes, that was a mistake on my part.

Perhaps you were blinded by your own misguided dogmatic philosophy that all n00bs are intrinsically insignificant and thus deserves disdain.
This is not true. Although it's somewhat strange for you to immediately associate yourself with TK (And you seem to be gravitating towards it rather well,) any disdain on my part towards your 'say what I want, when I want' manner of posting would have been nothing more than the standard treatment for new people, and you get props for it.

(And yes I agree with you that Bladev1 is a cool addition. No fluff there whatsoever)
There's no fucking way I'm going to read that.

Anyone want some more trampoline pictures?
Okay, in order...

My "crowd?" I don't have a crowd, to my knowledge. I came here, not as part of some invasion to troll attempt, but simply on my own. If the "crowd" you're referring to is the n00bs...*shrug* You were once one, too. Some might say you still are. Hell, RommieSG has been a member longer than you. But otherwise (speaking for myself) if I have nothing to add other than "too long, didn't read" I'll just refrain from commenting.

If I'm supposedly "oblivious" then explain it to me. Because, honestly, from where I sit those are the actions a large majority (but not all) of the members seem to strive for. They just want to get under each other's skin. So, really, tell me and I'll listen.

Again, no one has to leave at all. I'll repeat: you do your thing, I'll do mine. If MM seriously thought we were capable of destroying all that TK stands for, I'm sure she'd boot us herself.

No one is asking me to be a terrible person, huh? Then how about the comments that are all over the place about people who are "too soft" to be TK'ers or are "pussifying" the board. To me, it seems like the general opinion is if you don't fit a certain mold you don't belong here. Correct me if I'm wrong.

True, you do not pump them out by the dozen. Some do who are not members of your list (I won't bother to name names). Neither do I, really. Yes, I have a high post count already but I've created a few threads with large output. But I don't think I've disrupted anyone other than to get them involved in something fun...

*shrug* I really don't see why it is a big deal. I haven't outright attacked, insulted, or 'flamed' anyone. But, if you still want to target me for my "vanity" or being an "attention whore" that's fine. You're entitled to your opinion. Seeing as I don't know you, I couldn't care less what you think of me. I cannot speak for anyone else, but all I'm here to do is have fun and not draw attention to myself or stir trouble. So think of me what you will.
OOOO apathy. Not directed at you necessarily S. SaDiablo. I loves teh internet drama, but it isn't very interesting when it is a whole lot of people out-apathetic-ing eachother. I would attempt to reinsert some fun drama into the thread but I don't feel like derailing. Not that the apathy posters *care* but let this be known: The more a poster explains how s/he/it doesn't care, the less inclined I am to read future posts from said poster.

Audiences are not created through declarations of apathy.
That's what TK is for most people here, or it should be. It's an internet forum. Here to kick back and meet new people. To BS.
And when the computer goes off, all the drama and BS goes with it. That's the way I look at it. It's like another world, not really reality, but a version of it. There's reality outside of the internet and this board. Getting bent out of shape because your fantasyland isn't panning out to your standards is silly. It's just a forum. You turn off the PC and you face real life. That's what you should be putting your effort into if you want to get so passionate over something. At least in the real world you could make your opinions really recognized and known, and have it mean something. If this forum's activity has got you so uspet, enough to post things like this, then I feel for you, I really do.
Have fun. Turn off the computer and live out in the real world. Come back to the computer and back into it's other world. Kick back and enjoy.
That's what it's for!
Blah blah TK is doomed. TK isn't what it used to be. Blah blah. Nobody can debate with me I'm to FINE. You are all PUSSIES. Blah blah TK something something, bad, doomed, I AM SO FINE! TOP OF GAME, REALLY!
Could you post a picture of one of your orifices? I won't be particular.

edit* that was meant for Lilith.
Lilith said:
That's what TK is for most people here, or it should be. It's an internet forum. Here to kick back and meet new people. To BS.
And when the computer goes off, all the drama and BS goes with it. That's the way I look at it. It's like another world, not really reality, but a version of it. There's reality outside of the internet and this board. Getting bent out of shape because your fantasyland isn't panning out to your standards is silly. It's just a forum. You turn off the PC and you face real life. That's what you should be putting your effort into if you want to get so passionate over something. At least in the real world you could make your opinions really recognized and known, and have it mean something. If this forum's activity has got you so uspet, enough to post things like this, then I feel for you, I really do.
Have fun. Turn off the computer and live out in the real world. Come back to the computer and back into it's other world. Kick back and enjoy.
That's what it's for!

Couldn't agree more. It's a fucking message board. This one could crash and it wouldn't be the end of the world. There are thousands more.

Personally, I think that is one of the main problems at EI; everyone there takes themselves too seriously. This isn't work, this isn't a job, it's recreation people! Have fun. State your opinions. Debate with other members. Do whatever works for ya. Really, it's nothing to get bent out of shape over...
Here ya go, it's an orfice with a hole ;)