Troll Kingdom

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Troll Valhalla is better than Troll Kingdom

eloisel said:
You must be related to Kefka. He's always telling me what to do too.

Do you want a lemon cough drop or not?

*whips out my steel-hard, fully-erect schlong* Would you like some er, lemon juice? I have plenty. Just kneel down before me, open your mouth, then insert my huge dong into your mouth. You would then need only be required to swallow. I have had some beer so there will be plenty of lemon juice forthcoming for your enjoyment.
*plays Led Zeppelin's "The Lemon Song" in the background*

This discussion can be seen in two ways. Is TV a better trolling site than TK? Also, is TV a better board than TK?

My answers are no, and no.

Let's discuss the trolling aspect.

TV is, as zodiac/kefka mentioned before, more organized than TK. There was a point when TK was organized and performed raids much like TV does now. That was one of the main reasons for the creation of GFHH.

Though, I'm going to do a brief pros and cons game with TV.

*Organized. I'm not going to say 'well organized', because they're not.
*somewhat intelligent posters who can put up a decent fight when need be.
*They're ruthless and willing to stab eachother in the back to gain footing.
*They're hypocrites

*They're hypocrites (as Luci pointed out in a moment if Idiot Savant)
*They're willing to stab eachother in the back to gain footing, which eventually means they will troll themselves without anyone having to lift a finger
*Their fallback is vulgarity trolling. They're true vulgarians.
*Too many spammers, not enough brains.

Where does TK stand in comparison to this?

*The intelligence level and trolling ability of TK far exceeds that of TV.
*Sheer numbers. When it comes down to it TK has more posters per capita than TV.
*Age and experience. The trolls on TK have seen several invasions and performed as many. They're seasoned; they know what they're doing; and they know that to troll is to get into someone's head and punch the anger button as hard as you can.
*Lots and lots of spammers. Gagh on his own counts as two or three. I count this as a positive because spammers have a subtle way of cushioning an invasion. They quickly derail, inflate, and otherwise nullify any flame thread.
*Nobody cares about proving how good a troll they are.

*The age of the board. Meaning that there are a great many non-troll posters who have made TK their home.
*Total lack of organization. If TK were rallied around a specific site, it would last minutes. Yet, there's no cohesion.
*Too many old school trolls who don't adapt. SOE is a thing of the past. Learn to live with it.
*Too many spammers. Meaning it's too hard to hold anyone's attention for longer than 15 to 20 posts before getting off topic.
*Nobody cares about proving how good a troll they are.

All of this adds up to the fact that TV is not as good of a trolling board as TK. Organization means nothing if you're not leading the right troops into battle. Hell, anyone can teach kindergardeners to march in a straight line. It doesn't mean that they can invade a country and depose its leader.

As far as which one is the better board for posting, TK wins that debate. Though, on this subject it's really a relative matter.

Eloisel, if you're still reading this, what Kefka is trying to say is that by giving RWC and LR the title of "stalker" you've given them power over yourself. Hell, by even still mentioning them that gives them power. Trolls feed on attention. If you've memorized their name they love it. If you've given them villain status in your mind, they've won. All he's trying to point out is that by your continued discussion of them it means they've effectively trolled you. And I agree with him.

In RWC's case all I'm going to say is this. His MO is use of personal info as a negative against who he's trolling, whilst he shields himself with his anonymity. His fallback is vulgarity trolling. The way to combat that and keep him from humping you everywhere you go is by fighting fire with atom bombs and being equally, if not more, ruthless than he is. If he'd known anything about my dealings with Laker_Girl and BDM, he'd've known not to get into a personal info battle with me. When he hears my voice over the telephone sometime this week, he'll think twice about using that tactic any more.

And this concludes my serious response to a thread for the next two weeks.
bad dog said:
too long , did not read.

After that, are you still quite happy owning a site that claims to never ban anyone, yet bans the great SaintLucifer? Ironically enough, Troll Kingdom at least had reason to ban me. I posted browser-crashing links. Why did Troll Valhalla ban me? Absolutely for no reason whatsoever. Apparently CRANKY got tired of me so he whined to you and I was therefore banned. I posted all within the confines of your much-ballyhooed TOS, yet I was still banned. Even non-trolling sites did not ban me for what I had posted within Troll Valhalla. That makes the hypocrisy of your site ever more incredible.
bad dog said:
You were never banned, it was just talk to make you whine.


You are an outright liar. I am truly amazed at how desperate you are to state otherwise. You made a mistake. Admit to it. It is not a large deal to me, but when dipshits like you whine to the Admins of Troll Kingdom, this fact changes. Remember this?:

Troll Valhalla Bans SaintLucifer

Stupid fuck. You really need to stop digging yourself deeper into the hole you have created. You are a lying fuck and everyone knows it.
SaintLucifer said:
*whips out my steel-hard, fully-erect schlong* ... forthcoming for your enjoyment.
*sigh* promises made not intended to be kept. Anyway, I take that as you don't want a lemon cough drop. Fine. I'll toss out this lint covered, change darkened one I found at the bottom of my old purse then.
bad dog said:
I dont know what you are talking about. The last time I edited a post was to take out a picture of a woman getting fucked by a german shepard.

You mean you did not move and then delete any of my posts? Perhaps you should like the members of Troll Kingdom to visit your site and see for themselves? It happened. We both know it. Everyone in Troll Valhalla knows it. You may deny this until the cows come home to your bed to no avail.
SaintLucifer said:
You mean you did not move and then delete any of my posts? Perhaps you should like the members of Troll Kingdom to visit your site and see for themselves? It happened. We both know it. Everyone in Troll Valhalla knows it. You may deny this until the cows come home to your bed to no avail.

All your post are there , none were deleted. Fucking drama queen.
DarthSikle said:
All this from a wannabe troll


eloisel said:
RWC and Raffles have been stalking me and my daughter for about a year now. They've both posted my personal information here many times. The admins here have done what they can, but once my personal info was posted and viewed it was a bit late, don't you think? TV applauded Raffles and RWC for doing it. Now, they want to protect RWC from someone doing it to him? They aren't more efficient. They are punks. They can dish it out but they can't take it. Pussies.

We are above everything else, and I do not agree with the view that to be moral, the motive of one’s actions has to be benefiting others. Morality does not have to be defined in relation to others. People like us want to satisfy our hearts to the full and in doing so we automatically have the most valuable moral codes. Of course there are people and objects in the world, but they are all there only for us.

People like us only have a duty to ourselves; we have no duty to other people. We are responsible only for the reality that we know, and absolutely not responsible for anything else. Conscience, as far as I’m concerned, can go to hell if it is in conflict with our impulses.

eloisel said:
Baby cakes, no matter how much you follow me around, yapping at my heels, begging for my attention, you still aren't my type. Go play with RWC - he at least has a crush on you.

If one was to type 'raffles' on the search engine, most of what is found comes from your account...