Troll Kingdom

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***URGENT: Freedom Under Attack at Ex Isle!***

Actually TS, to the best of my knowledge FMD isn't currently back - some time ago he tried coming back (to just the RP section of EI), and get a game going. It never took off and he vanished off the radar. ( he was also not using the FMD handle but admitted as to who he was when he asked 'permission' to come back )
Shal said:
*Raises an eyebrow at UH* "You know, you know a little too much about past history not to have lurked at SSBS/ EI for a LONG time. I may have to change my mind as to whom you really are."

Oh come on, you really didn't believe his shit about not being an EIer, did you?

Just because I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt doesn't mean I trust him, sheesh at heart he is a Coyote isn't he - one NEVER trusts the trickster god, even when there is a lesson to be learned.

That is wise.
Shal said:
Actually TS, to the best of my knowledge FMD isn't currently back - some time ago he tried coming back (to just the RP section of EI), and get a game going. It never took off and he vanished off the radar. ( he was also not using the FMD handle but admitted as to who he was when he asked 'permission' to come back )

Hmm. I understood he was there as of recently, as in just a few months ago. I don't know what his handle there would be. I do know that Blondie would like to scratch his eyes out. Trolling is one thing... from what I was told by her, he is/was a seriously sick puppy.
Well, I did say lurker - I do know that there are some old SSBSers that have never posted, just watched and read. Even if he has a an account, if all he has ever done is lurk, does that really make him an EIer?

and thanks for the compliment.

May you and yours have a very Merry Christmass!
I could have gone the rest of my life without hearing that name again.

FMD is one sick son of a bitch. I know firsthand about that.
I can understand Blondie's sentiments fully. And now that I think about it he did try and 'come back' a second time - since I stepped down as an RP mod, I haven't been there much and just kinda catch things on the side.
Shal said:
I can understand Blondie's sentiments fully. And now that I think about it he did try and 'come back' a second time - since I stepped down as an RP mod, I haven't been there much and just kinda catch things on the side.

I distinctly remember it being brought up in a thread, and someone on the staff saying "yes, he is here, under another name, and he quietly posts in RP." That was no more than perhaps 6 months ago. Maybe 8. Of course, in BBS time, that's equivalent to years, but there you are.
Tom Sawyer said:
I distinctly remember it being brought up in a thread, and someone on the staff saying "yes, he is here, under another name, and he quietly posts in RP." That was no more than perhaps 6 months ago. Maybe 8. Of course, in BBS time, that's equivalent to years, but there you are.
I also remember someone saying this, but he hadn't posted in RP in a long time since then. Let me do a quick check.........
Found it. He was DanielGemini, and he hasn't posted since September 26 of 2003.

Oddly enough, the same day that he mentions getting married in his sig?

Well, right now my main interest is getting better, then getting married to Amanda on Sept. 26, 2003.

Then we'll get back to the games.

The woman must have the patience and understanding of Buddha to be able to even consider marrying something like that.
RommieSG said:
Found it. He was DanielGemini, and he hasn't posted since September 26 of 2003.

Oddly enough, the same day that he mentions getting married in his sig?

The woman must have the patience and understanding of Buddha to be able to even consider marrying something like that.

September 2003??? Then he wasn't on EI very long after its inception.

BTW, you'll learn that very often women will marry you with the idea of improving you. My first wife had that notion...of course, she was crazier than a bag of rats in a burning meth lab. Fortunately, my second wife is so self-centered she wouldn't care if I went to the mall naked.
There's no telling whether or not this 'Amanda' was made up or not either. With him, I can't say either way.

There was one person many people thought was indeed a figment of his imagination, but then we learned she was real, and was killed in an accident.

So I'm not going to make that mistake again, but I am always going to be skeptical when it comes to that man.
RommieSG said:
There's no telling whether or not this 'Amanda' was made up or not either. With him, I can't say either way.

There was one person many people thought was indeed a figment of his imagination, but then we learned she was real, and was killed in an accident.

So I'm not going to make that mistake again, but I am always going to be skeptical when it comes to that man.
You cannot get into someone's personal life. It's a big enough mistake in person, let alone across the internet.

When in college, I had a frat brother who was dating a 50+ year old woman. Yeah. She was a psychic vampire, and constantly kept him on a leash. If he tried to do anything for himself, she'd fake heart pains. I really wanted to tell him "dude, she's faking it" but I was afraid that if I said that, she'd really have one and I'd look like shit.

Sure enough, she actually had a heart attack, and I'm glad I kept my mouth shut.
DarthSikle said:
Who is FMD and what did he/she do??

Oh boy.

FMD basically manipulated the whole SSBBS into believing his female cousin had been brutally raped and beaten. Unlike a troll, he actually got some psychological pleasure from getting people to believe this.

Blondie could tell the story better. Of some of the EIers.
But I dont want to ride into the mouth of hell until after I open my Christmas gifts.

Never fear. Baby Jesus will deliver your gifts wherever you may be, even if he has to ride his little sleigh into the Ninth Circle of Hell.

So you'll understand if I neither need or desire any help on anything from you, right?

It is my sacred duty as TK Ambassador to help every TKer in distress, so help you I shall!