Posted by Utahraptor on 10 February 1999 at 08

In Reply to: Re: Reality??? posted by Flower on 09 February 1999 at 20

: Are you talking about the Bible in its entirety or just parts?
The parts which claim Noah's Ark, Adam and Eve, and Revaltions for the most part. But I'm sure I can find things wrong with the rest. Just like like the Torah, and everybody else's books.
: OK, remember now, they're defense is that God is all powerful, all knowing, and can do anything He damn well pleases.
: All powerful pretty much means he can do whatever he damn well pleases.
Right, and I'm saying that answer is wrong. And everyhtign else below proves the impossibility of their claims.
: : So, first we're to believe God always existed. Impossible. You need a beginning, an origin.
: Now, this makes dinosaurs non existent, despite collaborating evidence to the contrary.
: How do you know it makes dinosaurs non-existent? Does the Bible name every species of being? That would be a book in itself!
Cause dinos lived millions of eyars ago. Bible says Erath is considerably a lot less ages old. SO no dinso since dinos never saw man, and vice versa.
: Next He creates women from Adam's rib. This is called Cloning people. Yet cloning goes against the Bible, cause God's not creating it, and hence it has no soul. Yet cloning duplicates all, event he soul.
: Cloning duplicates the soul? Then philosophers worldwide must be happy that they can now be in agreement that one exists at all! Can I trade mine in for a new one?
Yup. Can't have a body withotu a soul (well, not including astro plane projetcions, but I mena originally. We're bornw ith a soul,a nd cloning clones the soul too. Oh yeah, when people's briasn get swtiched in Science Ficiton, their souls switch too.
: So we now have this insane chick listening to talking snakes, and having deluded dreams of grandeur, namely being a God.
: How was Eve to know that snakes didn't talk? Was there a basis for comparison? Maybe she thought all of the animals talked, just not to her, and how are we to know that animals didn't talk?
OK, but still, why lsiten to not God, than God?
: Plus, we're to believe, prior to all this, Adam never knew that he nor Eve were naked. OK, I buy Adam being unaware that he has no underwear. But no straight guy (of which Adam clearly is,) can possibly look at a naked women, and not know she's nude. Trust me, he knew.
: Again I say, was there a basis for comparison? If we were all taught from birth to walk around nude, what would we know of clothes? It would be as normal to us then as it is now to see clothed people.
No straight man can posisbly miss the fact that the naked chick before him is naked.
: Now there evicted form Eden, and punished. Then, Adam and Eve have kids, who marry other people, some of which seem to suddenly exist out of nowhere, and all humanity is conceived through incest (I assume Adam and Eve acted like my Gerbils, and did their own kids.). However, we know for a fact that incest brings about shall we say, imperfect people (based on today's standards.) OK, that'll explain about 6.6 Billion + people living today, plus more though out history.
: People were imperfect from the start. That's the point-we're not God.
OK, then imperfect as deformed, or mentally challenged. And God ain't perfect, or we'd ahve dinos still existing, no humans,a nd a dino on thsi baord praising God for nto ever extinctifying them afetr 185 MIllion years.
: Then they change colors, based on pigmentation effects of the sun. Yet when has any African American had a white kid while living away from the sun?
: What color is the father? What are the phenotypes of the genes from each parent?
Doesn't matetr. Whatever color Adam was, the kids were. Or were Adam and Eve interacial? And thta still doesn't account for the varities in color.
: Or does this take millions of years? Oh wait. The world is under 6,000 years old, so it can't. It's clearly one generational changes, which we have yet to witness ever.
: Tell that to victims of Thalidamyde, Hiroshima, Chernobyl...
Sp they changed colors, which their kids kept?
: So then some stuff happens, and people go evil, and God decides to kill everyone save Noah (and in most versions, his 3 sons and that bald guy, er, their wives.) OK, next we are to believe that in such a short time, Noah and company build an exceptionally huge ark, despite the fact that time would not allow this, even if they worked nonstop 24/7.
: Our time, Noah's time, or God's time?
Time itself. It's always a constant. God didn't change the lenght of time betwene ages (OK, maybe he sped up Noah,a nd slowed the universe down, but I doubt it.)
: So then, we're to believe that nobody believed him, nor locked him up for being crazy enough to build an overwhelmingly enormous, honking big ark. Right. Plus, we're to believe that Noah was able to gather 2 of every animal alive, in an even shorter time than he had to build the ark. Even if God teleports them all there, it's scientifically impossible to build an ark big enough to fit them all on, plus food and water for 40 days/nights plus extra non rainy time (Me thinks more than two were taken aboard, just that only 2 came off it.) Plus a waste management system. Even skipping all sea dwellers and amphibians, this is one huge feet to accomplish. Let alone be sea worthy, with such a huge ship, and so much wait on it.
: If we're to think that God is all powerful, why can't we believe that he could fit all of the animals plus Noah and company on the Ark, give them food (as in your desert example) and do a bit of clean-up too?
Right, but my point is, He's not, and all thsic an't be, based on simple reality.
: : Next, we're to believe that God punished every other animal not on the ark, for humanity's evil. And the plants that died from lack of carbon dioxide, and over watering from the flood. And on top of that, this si done to a race that believes the world is flat, and their land is the only land around. Now call me crazy, but I doubt those in Africa, or the Americas were all that evil. Seems to me like other people in other arks existed back then. But Noah was the only one you say? Fine. So God killed only the European/Asians. But a flood around the world would kill innocents, and that didn't happen.
: How do you know it didn't happen?
Cause only the evil was punished even if you accept God punished evil animals, human's "Superiority' would make God save a hell of a lot more that Noah's cronnies.
: Plus then Noah, his family, and the 2 of every animal not on the ark used incest once again to repopulate the world (yet Gerbils survived and they eat their incest spawned children.
: Many cultures throughout history used incest to propagate.
And it still makes imperfect people. Now, multiply this imperfetcness by about 6000 years of generations. See. We're far better than can be expected.
: : Then more stuff happened, and Jesus was born. OK, Joseph didn't knock Mary up. God did. But no one believes God did it with her, nor will they believe He beamed His sperm in. Obviously, he took one of Mary's eggs and cloned it into Jesus.
: So God was cloned? Cool! Now I know what God looks like if the depictions of Jesus are correct. You know, I think I might have seen God out at Billys!
No you don't. That was God in human form. Or ratehr, it was a male Mary (only ehr egg wa sused, which ahd ehr DNA, so He cloend her into a male, and thta was Jesus.) And thta's only if God was Jesus. IF Jesus was God's son, this definitely proves you ahve eyt tos ee Him. BEsides, He obviosuly appears in the form of whoever looks at Him, for easier acceptance.
: Cloning can involve gender changes, and surely God can do that if He can clone.
: As far as I've understood, Jesus is the son. Cloning isn't necessary to accomplish that.
Right, but did God release sperm into Mary Beam it down Scotty? How did He get His sperm (if he has any) into her? Or did He take His DNA and put it in their another way?
: Yet people can't decide if Jesus had his own powers, or God gave it to him.
: Does it really matter?
Well, I mean. Comeon and get your story striaght before you become a religion. Betetr to eb united in most beliefs, than have a hundred different conflciitng ones. HOw cna nayoen be taken seriously then?
: Plus, people insist God gave up ruling the universe for 33 years to live as a human and experience the human touch. Right. Believable if aliens didn't exist. They do (note: not come here to Earth, just that they do exist somewhere, somewhen), so that proves that.
: So, God didn't create aliens too?
Yes He did. Hence why He woudln't abandon them for 33 eyars to live as a human.
: Plus others say God was God and Jesus at the same time, and was this Holy Ghost of whom I know nothing of, and won't comment on, save for that God can't be two or more beings at once, short of cloning Himself, or robots, etc,
: I always thought that the Holy Ghost was the soul, boy do I feel dumb. If you read some theories by some very intelligent dudes, not to mention many religions outside of christianity, God is about 6.6 billion different things at once, not to mention everything else aside from humans.
OK, now thta's just palin ridiculous. God is God, His own son, and His own son's soul? Oh geez, thta si totlaly unbelievable. I'll give you Father and Son, but the soul is God's spiritual form,a nd it's stoopid to count i differently, or else everybody si 2 beings, their orgainc form,a dn their soul, and well three or mroe witht heir children due to DNA being apssed along generation by genertaion. And nobody willa dmit to beign so amny people at ocne. We count body and soul as one.
: : Then people kill Jesus, and God doesn't seem to mind being killed, or people killing His son, and doesn't smite back.
: Why do you say that God didn't mind when Jesus was killed? If God smote everyone who did something wrong, this would be a very empty universe.
God would seek vengance for His son's detah. He's a lovign god, rememebr? And God doesn't smite for every thing doen wrong, jsut the big ones, ie killing HIm or His son.
: But all you ever hear is support Jesus as out savior, or burn in hell. Not, support a savior, just let's force Jesus on everybody, who might be God's son, our God Himself, or else a long haired weirdo with a God complex, and at least told everybody to be have.
: So basically your problem is with attitudes and beliefs of certain denominations of christianity, not christianity in general or the Bible.
Yeah. The beliefs. The Bible is mroe or less the beliefs. BUt I emna, as a Jew, aren't I more likely to abck our Rabbi wahat's his name for Saviorhood,a dn not Jesus? And then, if I do, why should I go to Hell for supporting hima nd not Jesus as the Savior? Am I nto supporting everyhtign JEsus stands for (or ratehr whatt eh Savior stands for.) I emna, telling us to support a Savior is fine. Forcing one candidate on us is not. But I do ahve Christian friends, of whom I don't hate for that, ro think thems toopid for believeing these thigns with blind faith. That's their choice and right.
: Then more stuff happens, God stops talking to us, and we enter the present (OK, so He seems to like messing with the Jews, and instead of teleporting us across a desert, we must walk for 40 years, and eat food off the sand. Oh really now. That's too much. God can make food appear on the ground, but damn if He'll do plates? Really.)
: Why do they need plates? They got food didn't they? Really, do you need a plate to survive?
Try eating food off the dirty ground, then see if you wnat to go abkc to usign plates. I pefer my sandwhiches sand free, spank you very much.
: Then we're to believe that in the end, God has one final Judgment, nobody's in Heaven yet mind you, and the good get to live in Heaven on Earth, with God Himself (And He writes stuff on our foreheads. Not that we get a say in all this.)
: Actually, you do get a say in it. You can deny it and not be saved.
Why? Just cause I prefer not to be sued as a piece of paper, I cna't be saved. I'm all fro God's ruels and stuff, jsut not wearing stuf fon ym forehead. Besides, in the end, the only one selft on Erath all ahve the word written on their ehads, so why bother? It's not liek an unfaithful is there, thatw e need to identify ourselves from them.
: So in other words, God decides that the evilest species is his favorite, screws all other aliens, and moves to Earth. And will anybody tolerate aliens in our afterlife? Nope. Try and convince me otherwise. I bet God wouldn't let them live here with Him, even if people accept aliens in our universe.
: Does an alien soul look different from a so-called human one? Maybe on another planet on the other side of the universe, Mem-glop is writing on a message board telling people about how nobody will tolerate aliens in the afterlife. The aliens being us.
Yup. Souls look like the body. Look in the mirror. That's what your soul looks like. I agree with Mem-glop. Doe she ahve problems spelling too?
: This was all well and good in a world where Earth was the only habitable planet. Guess what? That theory's wrong.
: So, you have proof of life on other planets. When we say that Earth is the only habitable planet, maybe we're just talking about for humans. Hmm... that could be it.
Yes. Probabilty, logic, relaity. Plsu, they don't mena habital for huamns, we mena Eratha nd only Erath.
: : Plus, we have these eediots who think if they bring Jesus back, they'll be rewarded. Uh uh. You kill everybody, you go to hell. God ain't gonna thank you for speeding up His plans.
: So the only way to bring Jesus back is to kill a bunch of people? Thanks for the info, maybe I should try it...
NO, that's people's belief. Speed thigns up and get it over with.
: It was a nice theory at the time, but truth, reality, etc proves it's as outdated as humans are the only smart animal on Earth, the sun revolves around us, and dinosaurs were giant lizards. So give it up people. You're wrong. It was a nice ride while it lasted, but we all knew form the start that this wouldn't work at all. Oh yeah. Your only proof to all the Bible stuff is the Bible, which si let's say 2000 years old, highly outdated, and written by Homo Sapiens, who lie so much, God needed a whole Commandment to stop them.
: I like this a lot. You're right, the Bible is highly outdated and written by homo sapiens and edited by popes and kings and whomever with a certain amount of power felt the need. How do you know that all of your questions aren't answered and all of your arguments aren't thwarted in the original Bible? Well, we wouldn't know would we?
I think it did, so they had to rewrite it to bring up faith. How many Christians would still believe in God if everyhtign I discussed was true, and it's all been one big lie? Can thye ahndle the Savior beign the ultimate scare tatic by God? I don't think so.
: : Thanks for bearing with this long post.
: No problem, I enjoyed it.
Goody then.