Posted by Utahraptor on 11 February 1999 at 08
In Reply to: Re: Who was it again who started this whole prove/DISPROVE thing??? posted by The Imp on 11 February 1999 at 04
: Gremlin seems to me that Utahraptor asked for some abuse after posting that nonsensical, yet supposedly logical, arguement that positively, somehow, didn't quite, disprove a damn thing. Oh yeah... what about your shared experience with Shadowcat? A certain repeated dream, to paraphrase you "that was more than a dream", that the both of you had..... Can you prove that it was more than just a dream or do you just believe it was?
Actually I proved that withotu an all powerful God, msot of what si suppsoedly fatc isn't. No Noah's Ark, no Adam and Eve and no proof Jesus is the Savior. And sicne eveyrbody insists thta GOd si all powerful, well, they have no proof for that at all. Actually, there's plenty of proof that God sin't all knowing and all powerful A) dinso exticnt B) humans exist. C)humans exist becasue of dinos extinction. Seems to em peopels eemed to ahve misse dthe point that what is suppsoedly history isn't possible in relaity, least fo all in a world that is nto viewed as flat, and in the universe's center, and isn't the only planet with sapient life on it.

In Reply to: Re: Who was it again who started this whole prove/DISPROVE thing??? posted by The Imp on 11 February 1999 at 04

: Gremlin seems to me that Utahraptor asked for some abuse after posting that nonsensical, yet supposedly logical, arguement that positively, somehow, didn't quite, disprove a damn thing. Oh yeah... what about your shared experience with Shadowcat? A certain repeated dream, to paraphrase you "that was more than a dream", that the both of you had..... Can you prove that it was more than just a dream or do you just believe it was?
Actually I proved that withotu an all powerful God, msot of what si suppsoedly fatc isn't. No Noah's Ark, no Adam and Eve and no proof Jesus is the Savior. And sicne eveyrbody insists thta GOd si all powerful, well, they have no proof for that at all. Actually, there's plenty of proof that God sin't all knowing and all powerful A) dinso exticnt B) humans exist. C)humans exist becasue of dinos extinction. Seems to em peopels eemed to ahve misse dthe point that what is suppsoedly history isn't possible in relaity, least fo all in a world that is nto viewed as flat, and in the universe's center, and isn't the only planet with sapient life on it.