Eggs - it's okay. I also sometimes seem to be in the wrong mood with the wrong group of people - it happens. It's damn frustrating when all you want is a good, witty forth-and-back along with sarcastic insults thrown in here and then, and the opponent of your choice gets all teary-eyed and emo on you. Even more so if what you say is profound and should be taken into consideration.
(Of course, it's just as shitty if you're lookin for a nice, fun meeting with friends, and one of them chooses that moment to tell you where and how exactly you suck...)
Anyway, I see where you are coming from in this case, and I agree and feel mostly the same. I do appreciate you caring enough about all of us to make that 'speech'.
I don't mind criticism. All your stuff is shit you suck hurry up and have another heart-attack is not really criticism though.
Hambil - up to this point, I actually thought you were just playing along with something that was so clearly just another OMG DRAMA IN THE BADLANDS play.
Fuck, can't you tell a good-natured, half-assed attempt at getting on everyone's nerves from the kind of asinine, cutting, personal jabs that might merit stretching your admin muscles and DC'ing or *gasp* leaving forevah!! ?
And yeah, I do agree with what Eggs said upthread, I have reacted negatively to this kind of dangling your admin powers in front of us before. You may or may not do this consciously, but fact is - it pisses me off.
As for criticism - they piled lots of it on you, and lots of it crossed the line to being just harrassment. BUT.... some people do give constructive opinions, and maybe it would be a good idea to search those posts less for personal jabs than for ideas you can use.
Anyway, I am appreciative for a lot of the stuff you did, and I also wish you would show more of that dry wit of yours down here. But that would, imo, really require for you to listen to Dual:
Hambil, it's Troll Kingdom. You can't let people get to you.