Common Cause reports e-voting snafus nationwideProblems with voting machines across the U.S. are being reported to watchdog groups, including significant problems of votes being incorrectly recorded Tuesday.
NBC5 Viewers Report Voting ProblemsUsed the touch screen voting machine - if this is the new technology, forget it. When I would touch on the candidate of my choice, in several instances the check mark would jump to the other candidate. After finally resolving this I reviewed my choices on the screen ( before seeing a printout ) only to find that six candidate choices had mysteriously changed, so again I went back to correct these "mistakes." Finally, everything looked good so I ran the printout to review my choices only to find that again choices( different ones ) were wrong so I went back and made the changes - imagine my dismay when this happened two more times after that. At last everything was right so I pushed the final button to have my votes cast - or were they??? Sure hope so !
Ken Blackwell Outsources Ohio Election Results to GOP Internet Operatives, AgainThe State of Ohio's real-time, streaming election results are first diverted through Chattanooga, TN, to a GOP-only web firm and the servers currently hosting, as well as other key Republican web sites.
Voting Expert: Widespread Election Fraud Again
But not enough, this time.
"I think it's pretty low that Ehrlich and Steele would print up a fake ballot and bus in unemployed people and exploit them," Baltimore Mayor Martin O'Malley, the Democratic candidate for governor, said this morning as he greeted voters as a polling site in Greenbelt. "It doesn't get much lower than that."
Sample Ballots in Pr. George's Misidentify Candidates
Twenty-eight votes for the 18th house district race are null because two voting machines listed the wrong candidates for that seat at a Farmington Avenue polling place.
Voting Problems In West Hartford
However, the GOP is warning its supporters not to trust exit poll data, citing their unreliable readings in recent elections.
First exit polls show bad news for GOP
"It's over but the counting, and we'll handle the counting."

Here's how the 2006 mid-term election was stolen.
Note the past tense. And I'm not kidding.
Democratic party leaders are planning to seek a two-hour extension for voting in Denver, due to massive computer problems which have created long lines, and kept many from casting their vote.
Party spokesman Brian Mason said a motion is being prepared, in response to "the huge problems in Denver this morning."
Voting nightmare: Democrats seek extension
As of 8:00 a.m. the non-partisan group Missourians for Honest Elections has already received news of two incidents in today's election in which touch screen machines incorrectly recorded voters' intentions. These occurred at the Brentwood Community Center in St. Louis County.
There have also been several verified reports from voters in St. Louis County who had this happen to them when trying vote absentee at the St. Louis County Board of Elections in Maplewood. We have had an unsatisfactory, mixed response from the County Board of Elections concerning this matter.
MELTDOWN '06: Missouri Election Integrity Org Says More Reports of Touch-Screen Vote Flipping…
Utah County Clerk Kim Jackson says 32 of 118 polling locations were affected by the glitch. Jackson says elections officials have now walked through the process with precinct chairs to iron out the problems. The technical troubles there reportedly have been fixed.
Some Glitches as Utah Voters Head to the Polls
Just the tip of the iceberg.
I'm sure it's just Democratic whining.