Family - The Enterprise is at Earth following the Borg incident (serialisation in TNG!) and Worf doesn't want his parents to come onboard. Picard assures Troi that he's fine, okay? O'Brien tells Worf that his father is a sex pest. Worf's parents are Russian and his dad recognises O'Brien as a Chief Petty Officer (even though O'Brien has Lieutenant pips?) Picard goes back to his home vinyard and his nephew Rene tries to mug him. Picard's French family are English too. Picard's brother Robert is a bit of a dick who instantly starts acting like Picard thinks he's too good for his family now even though Picard hasn't given that impression. Crusher and Troi go through her dead husband's things and she finds a message he made for Wesley. She doesn't know if she should show him it, but it's Star Trek so of course she will. Worf's dad keeps embarrassing him. Picard's old friend Lewis wants to raise a new continent but Robert doesn't like the idea. Robert keeps taking digs at Picard about technology, as if Picard is personally responsible for progress. Robert has an annoying face. Robert accuses Picard of encouraging Rene to go into space. I don't know, I feel you wouldn't have to encourage someone into wanting to go into space. It's pretty exciting on its own. Lewis visits Picard and offers him the job of supervising the Atlantis project.
Worf's parents worry about him. Guinan talks to them and says when Worf looks out the window for home, he looks to Earth, not the Klingon homeworld. Worf tells them he's happy they came. They were worried about him after his discommendation. Robert keeps needling Picard for cancelling the parade that was supposed to be held in his favour. He goads Picard into a fight. They roll about in the mud and start laughing, but then Picard starts crying and Patrick Stewart does some damn fine acting again. Robert implies that this is what he was going for all along by picking on Picad, but I still think Robert's a bit of a dick! They drink wine together. Picard obviously turns down the Atlantis thing. Wesley watches the holo recording of his dad. Wesley trying to grab the hologram as it disappears is pretty sad. Rene sits outside, dreaming of starships in a nice ending. He'll have burned to death four years later.
This episode was groundbreaking for Trek as it was the first time they'd ever done an episode that just existed to react to the events of previous episodes. It's good, though I don't think it's a classic like its reputation seems to be. The character stuff is good but not particuarly deep. I mean the Wesley subplot is two scenes and it's pretty basic stuff. It's nice, and Wheaton does decent acting, but there's not much to it. Worf's parents are fun so it's good to see them. The Picard stuff is the best part and I'll admit that Robert was probably just acting like a dick in the first half just to rile Picard up into letting his anger out (which is maybe a bit of a contrived plan.) But I still find him annoying in that first half! Anyway, this is definitely good, I just don't think it's aged as well as some episodes and DS9 will really show it up in terms of serialisation.
SCORE: 8/10